Kaifeng Wang Po, or lost to "Ceng Liu" online celebrity.


Author | Guo Hongyun


Editor | Li Yi


The limelight has overwhelmed Tianshui Mala Tang in Gansu, and with Kaifeng, Henan "soaring" to become another city with a big traffic explosion, the stage plot has begun to move towards magic.Wang Po, who invited online celebrity to step down and sucked powder, finally lost to online celebrity.


The incident that made the "Wang Po Matchmaking" program start to become uncontrollable was that a married man, Liu, "ran for love" stepped on the stage for a blind date, and expressed his willingness to "quit his job in Zhengzhou and go to Sichuan" for the blind date female guest. After successfully adding it to the woman’s WeChat, it became a good conversation, and his wife who was far away from Japan saw it and went back to China in anger to prepare for a divorce.


This dramatic scene became a turning point in the stage of "Wang Po Matchmaking". No netizens paid attention to the humor of handsome guys and beautiful women and foster mother "Wang Po" on the blind date stage, but instead began to criticize and falsify "love rat", denouncing online celebrity’s unscrupulous behavior.


Just today (April 3), the topic of "police responding to Wang Po’s media saying that married male wife is suspected of suicide" once again rushed to the hot search of major social media platforms, and his wife Xiao Xue sent a video crying late at night: "Maybe I am too fragile, I really can’t hold back." Some netizens speculated that they might do something stupid and call the police. The staff of Yinchuan Public Security Bureau responded that the police had contacted Xiao Xue’s father and learned that Xiao Xue was fine after asking.


Among the voices urging Xiao Xue not to do anything wrong, some netizens questioned that she was speculating, and there was a script that wanted to be online celebrity from the moment when a married man went on a blind date.


And "Wang Po" himself had to stand up and respond publicly because of the storm of public opinion, once again emphasizing the initial intention of the stage, calling on "those who bring their own scripts not to join in the fun, and leave the opportunity to those who really want to make friends".


And her troubles are not limited to this. According to Tianyancha APP, "Kaifeng Wang Po" has been registered as a blind date marriage service company, and its business scope includes marriage introduction service and wedding etiquette service. In the eyes of the uninformed public, the actor himself is not satisfied with matchmaking only on the scenic stage, but wants to transform into a company and become a "matchmaker" completely.



This misunderstanding forced "Wang Po" to stand up and refute the rumor again. On April 2, she posted a video on her Tik Tok account @ Kaifeng Wang Po, saying that she didn’t and didn’t authorize anyone to start a matchmaking company. She also said that she had some physical and mental problems recently, especially her voice, so she needed to rest for a while and wanted to go out and have a look.


Prior to this, Long Live Mountain Martial Arts City has officially announced that Tomb-Sweeping Day can welcome tourists in a fuller state. Teacher Zhao, the actor of "Wang Po", will rest on April 2 and April 3, and the performance of "Wang Po Matchmaking" will be temporarily performed by another actor "Li Po". After "Wang Po" indicated that it would take a break for a while, the scenic spot announced again that Zhao Mei, one of the actors of "Wang Po", would take a month off from April 3, 2024 due to health reasons. During this period, other actors, such as Li Li, would perform "Wang Po Matchmaking" for tourists and add a related talent show.



This also means that "Wang Po" will be absent from the Qingming holiday activities in the Wuxia City of Longevity Mountain. According to the data from the US Mission, as of March 28th, the number of advance tickets in Kaifeng Scenic Area has increased by more than three times week-on-week, and many tourists have taken "blind date" in Kaifeng, Henan Province as their holiday play plan. This sudden change may disappoint tourists who want to go to Kaifeng to meet "Wang Po".


As for the program "Wang Po Matchmaking", even if "Wang Po" played by teacher Zhao Mei can return smoothly one month later, the popularity is still there, but it is still difficult to completely put an end to the online celebrity who have been rubbing traffic, and rumors about herself may still reappear.Fired by the flow, but trapped in the flow,For the 61-year-old actor teacher, without a strong heart and plenty of energy, it is hard to escape the next time after this time.


It has been reported that,"Wang Po" has considered resigning and retiring, and wants to live an ordinary life.


As a scenic spot, I definitely don’t want to lose such a "drainage" baby. In order to solve the problem of online celebrity’s traffic and the hype of non-singles, Longevity Mountain Martial Arts City has also re-adjusted the program rules and made new changes, such as implementing the offline advance reservation system, and dividing the scene into single male guest area, single female guest area and tourist viewing area. Male and female guests invited to interact on stage need to ensure that they are single and take photos in the dating declaration area.


Most importantly, for the sake of the order of the scene, online celebrity, who is not sincere in making friends, is required not to stay in the venue of "Wang Po Matchmaking", and the anchor with live broadcast equipment (such as microphones, speakers, stereos, banners, etc.) should be allowed to bypass the venue.


justIt is easy to make a request, but difficult to implement it.. The blind date stage, which has been regarded as "stale" by netizens, and the "Wang Po", which is exhausted both physically and mentally, make it uncertain whether this program can persist and whether it can continue to be popular.


In order to better undertake the first wave of predictable peak passenger flow, the scenic spot has made a lot of preparations in advance besides betting on "Wang Po". According to the relevant person in charge, the parade of Qingming Cultural Festival will be the most brilliant chapter of Long Live Mountain. In addition, there will be more than 10 Song Chao art interest spots in the park, including not only interactive experiences such as script killing of ten thousand people, blessing of the old moon, flying flowers and throwing pots, but also an interactive area for praying and an atmosphere festival with water lanterns.



However, it is undeniable that no matter how wonderful other programs are, the biggest expectation of tourists to visit the scenic spot must be to see "Wang Po" and meet the legendary foster mother. Without "Wang Po", it will undoubtedly be a pity.


To a certain extent, the scenic spot and even Kaifeng Wenlv don’t want "Wang Po" to really resign and retire, but Wenlv also mentioned it before.The traffic of NPCs in scenic spots is more intense, so it is risky and challenging to make the best use of it to drain themselves.


As far as the present situation is concerned, Longevity Mountain Martial Arts City has worked hard enough. Whether listening to netizens’ advice or understanding and protecting the actors themselves, it is doing its best. However, by the time of "Kaifeng Wang Po" IP fever, there has been a turning point in the downward trend, and there are not many official voices and actions. How to undertake the "splashing wealth" brought about by the hot topic of single-point out of the circle, Kaifeng Cultural Travel seems to be less rapid and active than Gansu Tianshui Cultural Travel.


The latest available news is that on March 29th, Kaifeng held a special conference on the work of cultural tourism in the whole city, sayingIt is necessary to take advantage of the situation, promote the formation of more outstanding boutique cultural tourism projects to attract more tourists to visit, and do everything possible to continue the good situation and make Kaifeng cultural tourism change from "bursting red" to "long red".


Before that, some netizens who had been to Kaifeng and recognized the experience of local culture and tourism projects were "anxious" online. Look at Luoyang, a neighbor who has made the marketing of Hanfu popular. Why don’t you use "Wang Po" to market in Kaifeng?


So is Kaifeng Wenlv slow to respond, or is there really no shortage of "Wang Po" traffic?


According to the ranking of tourists received by cities in Henan in the Spring Festival of 2024, according to the statistical data of "Hot Ranking of Eighteen Cities in Henan during the Spring Festival of 2024" published by Wenlv Sports Studio of Zhengzhou Newspaper Group with the technical support of Micro-hotspot Research Institute, Kaifeng entered the top three list after ranking Zhengzhou and Luoyang.


Specifically, during the Spring Festival holiday, the city’s cultural tourism in Kaifeng received a total of 9.335 million tourists, a year-on-year increase of 30.7%; The comprehensive income of cultural tourism was 6.47 billion yuan, an increase of 85.9% year-on-year; In the same period, Luoyang received a total of 11.1353 million tourists, with a total tourism revenue of 8.293 billion yuan, up by 87.51% and 156.88% respectively compared with 2023.


A glimpse of the whole leopard, for Kaifeng, which focuses on Song Wenhua and attaches importance to the development of cultural tourism,Traffic is very important, and a chance to get out of the circle is even more rare.Failure to promote the city’s tourism with the help of the popularity of "Kaifeng Wang Po" is a missed opportunity to market tourism resources and enhance the brand awareness of the city’s cultural tourism.


Let’s take Luoyang as an example. According to the data of Meituan, the search volume of "Hanfu" in Luoyang has been in the top three in China since March, and the search volume of "Flower Appreciation" has increased by 110% week-on-week. The upcoming Qingming holiday coincides with the Peony Festival, which makes Luoyang one of the top ten popular destinations in China. "Hanfu Flower Appreciation" has become the most distinctive feature label of Luoyang in tourism.


It is said that red depends on life, and the heat of breaking the wall once can’t be met. Although everyone is saying that the official marketing of Tianshui, Gansu Province is "too fierce", it is a bit too much for some netizens to grow "anti-bone" and not buy it.But after all, from the results, Tianshui, Gansu Province has achieved a circle in brand recognition of tourist cities. In the long run, the tourist season will only come in the summer in the northwest cities, and the "wealth" that Tianshui, Gansu Province will harvest ahead of schedule will inevitably double.


At a time when major cities are eager to get out of the circle with the help of hot spots, the question of new media communication and topic marketing needs the destination governments to work harder, study hard and dare to try, in order to give high scores.


The picture comes from the official WeChat WeChat official account, screenshot of the platform and Tianyancha of the Long Live Mountain Martial Arts City.




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Hot spots of the week | work together to curb the chaos of auto loans; It is estimated that car sales will reach 29.5 million units in 2023; A wide-temperature lithium battery that can also be used at

1. Goldman Sachs and UBS released reports optimistic about China’s economic growth prospects.

Foreign financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs and UBS recently released their respective reports on China’s economic outlook in 2024, predicting that China’s economy is expected to continue to pick up and improve in 2024. From the perspective of the troika, consumption has maintained recovery, investment has continued to increase, and exports have improved. (Xinhua News Agency)

2. The latest voice of the Ministry of Commerce on new energy vehicles

The spokesperson said that the Ministry of Commerce will do a good job in three upgrades in the fourth quarter to further promote the stability and quality of foreign trade: First, enhance the efforts of enterprises to expand market services, give full play to the trade promotion role of exhibition platforms, and increase support for enterprises to participate in domestic and foreign exhibitions, facilitate cross-border business personnel exchanges, and ensure the efficient and smooth transportation of foreign trade goods; The second is to improve the level of foreign trade innovation and development.Promote the introduction of special policies to promote trade cooperation in new energy vehicles and improve the development level of processing trade., carry out the assessment and evaluation of cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test area, and give full play to the demonstration and leading role of excellent cross-border e-commerce comprehensive test area; The third is to improve the level of foreign trade financial services, promote the increase of import and export credit support, increase support for small and medium-sized micro-foreign trade enterprises, expand the underwriting scale and coverage of export credit insurance, and escort enterprises to explore the market. (Cailian)

3. Economic Daily: Work together to curb the chaos of auto loans.

The frequent occurrence of automobile loan fraud cases has become a major problem in the automobile industry. Similar cases are common, and some cases even cost more than 100 million yuan. This behavior not only brought huge losses to auto financing companies, but also seriously affected the healthy development of the auto market. Auto financing companies and auto dealers need to be more strict and meticulous in customer qualification examination and loan approval process. For any abnormal trading behavior, there should be more acute vigilance and strict review mechanism. For consumers, when buying a car, they should know the information of the car in many aspects, including the source, price and quality of the car, and try to choose a car dealer with brand guarantee. Don’t blindly trust some unreliable merchants because of the greed for cheap. In addition, government departments should strengthen the supervision of the auto finance industry and establish a cross-departmental and cross-regional cooperation mechanism. (national business daily)

4. In 2023, it is estimated that the car sales will reach 29.5 million units, a record high.

Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the Association, issued a document saying that in 2023, the automobile market in China is facing a gradual improvement trend. In January and February, the automobile market was greatly affected by the Spring Festival factor and the withdrawal of subsidies. From March to May, driven by last year’s low base, the overall year-on-year surge; Strong export and domestic demand from June to October promoted high growth. The recovery of commercial vehicles in China automobile market is strong, and the passenger car market continues to improve due to the fall of real estate. With the increase of policy guidelines for the automobile industry at the national level and the further stabilization and expansion of automobile consumption, the growth of the automobile market in October exceeded expectations. Recently, the domestic consumption and export of passenger cars have contributed a lot, and the overall automobile market has continued to strengthen. It is expected to reach 29.5 million units in the whole year, a record high. (Multiplication Association)

5, "China Intelligent Networked Automobile Technical Regulations" automatic driving evaluation rules released.

Recently, the Automobile Evaluation Management Center of China Automobile Technology and Research Center Co., Ltd. released the automatic driving evaluation rules of China Intelligent Networked Automobile Technical Regulations. The automatic driving evaluation rules released this time mainly include two parts: "real road performance" and "realizable function". "Real road performance" mainly evaluates three aspects: safety guarantee, driving experience and traffic efficiency. "Realizable function" mainly evaluates basic scenes and complex scenes during the use of autonomous driving, and comprehensively considers the safety, comfort, efficiency, takeover time and minimum risk strategy of autonomous driving system. China Intelligent Networked Vehicle Technical Specification will be implemented step by step, and a complete evaluation system is expected to be launched in 2025. (Xinhua News Agency)

6, waste lithium battery recycling to be standardized

In recent years, with the rising price of metal raw materials such as lithium, the recycling industry of waste lithium batteries has become a "hot" track. Experts and enterprises interviewed said that the recycling of waste lithium batteries can not only solve the environmental problems brought by retired lithium batteries, but also help to make up for the shortage of key mineral resources such as lithium, cobalt and nickel in China. On the occasion of the "retirement tide" of power batteries in new energy vehicles, efforts should be made to standardize recycling channels, formulate industry standards and strengthen supervision to promote the benign development of waste lithium batteries recycling industry. (Economic Information Daily)

7. Tsinghua and other 985 universities offer HarmonyOS courses.

21 985 colleges and universities including Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiaotong University and Harbin Institute of Technology have all offered courses on Huawei’s HarmonyOS system. From the courses offered, the main contents are HarmonyOS principle and application development course, Web programming technology course based on HarmonyOS, intelligent system new engineering course integrating HarmonyOS technology, etc. It is reported that this kind of course is a collaborative education project of industry-university cooperation between Huawei and universities under the guidance of Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. (First Electric)

8. The production line of the world’s first 256-line gauge lidar will be put into mass production soon.

Dr. Li Yuan, CEO of Beixing (Beijing) Photonic Technology Co., Ltd. recently revealed that the world’s first production line for mass production of 256-line car gauge lidar jointly built by Beixing and Jabil has been basically completed and will be officially put into production in the near future. This means that the mass-produced car gauge lidar with the highest number of lines in the industry is about to usher in mass production. According to Dr. Li Yuan, this is a highly automated production line with digital control, which can realize the automated production of more than 100 laser radar core processes, and meet the mass production requirements of multi-model high-precision laser radars, with a total annual production capacity of more than 300,000 units. (First Electric)

9. Guangzhou will restrict the passage of electric bicycles in some sections.

From December 15th, Guangzhou will restrict the passage of electric bicycles in some sections. If the initial plan is fully implemented, the daily needs of residents such as take-away delivery and picking up children from school will be affected in the restricted area, so this plan is controversial. (Caixin. com)

10. OpenAI confirmed the development of GPT5, which may have super intelligence.

OpenAI has started to build the next generation artificial intelligence model ChatGPT 5. Sam Altman, CEO of the company, confirmed the news and claimed that this model may have super intelligence, but to achieve this goal, it needs further investment from its long-term partner Microsoft. Altman also said that technically, it is difficult to accurately predict what new functions and skills the model may have. (First Electric)

11、NVIDIA releases new generation chip H200.

On the evening of November 13th, Beijing time, NVIDIA released a new generation of artificial intelligence (AI) processor H200. This is a graphics processor (GPU) designed to train and deploy various artificial intelligence models. The new H200 GPU is an upgraded product of the current H100, which integrates 141 GB of memory. When used for reasoning or generating answers to questions, the performance is improved by 60% to 90% compared with H100. (Sina Technology)

12. US solid-state battery developers have delivered the first batch of samples to BMW.

Recently, Solid Power, Inc, an American developer of solid-state battery technology, announced in the company’s third-quarter financial report that its first batch of sample A batteries had entered the stage of loading verification. According to the press release, Solid Power has delivered the first batch of A-1 electric vehicle batteries to BMW, and revealed that the delivery of BMW’s demonstration car project is on the right track, which means that the company’s solid-state batteries have officially entered the stage of loading verification. (Cailian)

13. BYD looks up to the official map of the Yi Sifang concept car.

BYD’s Lookup Auto will release the Yifangfang concept car at this Guangzhou Auto Show. In terms of appearance, this test drive is modified on the basis of Lookup U8. The whole body adopts hollow design, even the front windshield is omitted, and the center console and other configurations are removed inside, and the rear row is covered with roll cages. According to reports, this concept car is mainly to show the special features of the easy square technology. The steering column and brake calipers are removed, and the steering and braking of the vehicle are completely realized by the precise control of the four motors by the easy square platform. (First Electric)

14. The life of zinc battery is greatly increased, and it is expected to be comparable to lithium battery.

Compared with lithium-ion batteries, zinc-ion batteries have the ability to store a lot of energy and the risk of fire is lower. However, repeated charge and discharge cycles often lead to the formation of dendrites on the surface of zinc, thus reducing the life of the battery. The research team combined the biopolymer xanthan gum with the ionic conductive polymer to form the protective film of the battery electrode. The protective film is rich in oxygen functional groups, which can make zinc evenly deposited on the electrode surface, and the dendrite problem is obviously alleviated. Even after repeated charge and discharge for 200 days, the film shows remarkable stability. (First Electric)

15. China’s first lithium battery with wide temperature range appeared at the Hi-Tech Fair.

The 25th China International Hi-tech Fair, or Hi-Tech Fair, is being held in Shenzhen. At this high-tech fair, the research team of China Academy of Sciences brought a wide-temperature lithium battery that can be used normally in the range of minus 70 degrees Celsius to plus 80 degrees Celsius, providing technical support for the use of new energy vehicles in extreme temperatures such as winter. (First Electric)

Author: why

Source: First Electric Network (www.d1ev.com)

Solving the problem of power battery recycling in the world

  With the rapid development of electric vehicles, a large number of power batteries began to retire. How to recycle these batteries to reduce environmental pollution has become an urgent problem facing all countries. At the same time, with the increasing shortage of raw materials such as metals needed to produce power batteries, many large automobile manufacturers and start-ups are also paying close attention to the layout, hoping that the recycling of power batteries can become an effective way to cope with the supply shortage, and all parties hope that related industries can accelerate their development.

  The capacity of power batteries has expanded rapidly.

  With the rapid growth of electric vehicle sales and the increasing pressure on automobile manufacturers to change from fuel vehicles to electric vehicles, many countries and regions around the world are accelerating the layout of power battery production capacity.

  At present, the United States is planning to convert most American-made cars into electric vehicles by 2030, and completely eliminate fuel vehicles by 2040. According to a report by the European environmental protection group Transport and Environment Organization, if the EU introduces stricter greenhouse gas emission regulation policies and provides sufficient support for the construction of charging piles, all new car sales in Europe will be converted into electric vehicles by 2035.

  According to the data of MarketsandMarkets, the demand for lithium batteries has increased rapidly in the past five years. In 2025, the related market size is expected to increase from 44.2 billion US dollars in 2020 to 94.4 billion US dollars, and the development of electric vehicles will be the main driving force.

  European governments are now stepping up efforts to support the development of power battery projects to ensure that they can still maintain their dominant position in the field of automobile manufacturing in the future. According to Agence France-Presse, according to the data of the Transportation and Environment Organization, Europe is currently planning to build 38 new super battery factories, with an annual production capacity of 1,000 GWh and an investment of 40 billion euros (about 48 billion US dollars). The planned production capacity will be realized from 2029 to 2030.

  Many large automobile manufacturers are also increasing their investment in power batteries. According to Agence France-Presse, Volkswagen has recently invested 2.3 billion euros in Swedish startup Northvolt, and plans to build five other power battery factories. The new automobile giant Stratis is currently building two power battery factories. Tesla, an American electric vehicle manufacturer, also plans to build a new power battery super factory in Berlin. It is estimated that the production capacity will reach 250 GWh before 2030.

  The supply of raw materials may be short.

  A large number of power battery factories will put forward higher requirements for the supply of raw materials such as metals, and automobile manufacturers must try their best to ensure the supply of raw materials necessary for the production of batteries. It is understood that power batteries account for most of the cost of electric vehicles, while major metals such as lithium, nickel and cobalt account for most of the cost of power batteries. The European Commission predicts that by 2030, the demand for lithium will increase by 18% and the demand for cobalt will increase fivefold.

  Considering the sharp increase in demand, some international organizations have been warning that related mineral raw materials will face shortages in the future. The International Energy Agency said recently that governments need to ensure the supply of key mineral raw materials needed for clean energy technology, otherwise they may face supply bottlenecks and damage the development of electric vehicles, wind power generation and other projects. According to the report of the International Energy Agency, clean energy requires many kinds of raw materials, from lithium, nickel, cobalt, manganese and graphite to rare earth elements for the production of electric vehicle engines and wind turbines, and each mineral raw material faces different problems. According to the International Energy Agency, in general, the demand for key mineral raw materials in the energy sector will increase sixfold before 2040, and the increasing global response to climate change is increasingly disproportionate to the supply of key mineral raw materials.

  The report of the International Energy Agency suggests that national policy makers should take actions to ensure the stable supply of key mineral raw materials and set long-term emission reduction targets. The agency also suggested that governments should promote the development of new technologies and invest more in recycling areas to alleviate the main supply pressure.

  The White House recently made it clear that we must work with our allies to ensure the supply of raw materials such as metals needed for the production of electric vehicles, and environmental protection and other factors should also be taken into account when dealing with them at home. According to Reuters, relevant measures include expanding investment in electric vehicle metal projects through the United States International Development Finance Corporation and taking new measures to support the supply from battery recycling. The Biden administration will also set up a working group to determine where minerals used in power batteries can be produced and processed. The US Department of Energy has been approved to invest $17 billion through the "Advanced Technology Vehicle Production Loan Project" to support related projects, which will focus on battery manufacturer financing, key mineral recovery and treatment. According to the report, ensuring the supply of raw materials for power batteries such as copper and lithium is one of the main obstacles that Biden’s huge electric vehicle development plan is currently encountering. At present, mining projects in the United States are facing extensive regulatory obstacles and environmental resistance.

  Maros Shevcovic, Vice President of the European Commission, said in March that Europe should strive to achieve strategic independence in the production of power batteries, hoping that Europe can achieve self-sufficiency by 2025. According to Agence France-Presse, a new generation of power battery technology is being developed in Europe, hoping to reduce the dependence on lithium-ion battery technology. In January this year, the European Commission has invested 2.9 billion euros to support related research and development. Europe also hopes to build a more environmentally friendly battery factory, and EU officials are currently formulating relevant standards to regulate the extraction of battery raw materials and how to recycle used batteries.

  However, Oliver Montick, an analyst at Fitch Consulting, believes that Europe may not establish a "complete closed-loop supply chain covering the extraction, refining, processing and production of most battery raw materials in Europe" until 2040. Montick said that although Germany and the Czech Republic have sustainable lithium metal reserves, the EU should still obtain supplies from reliable partners to ensure supply security.

  Battery recycling needs to be accelerated.

  Power battery is considered to be one of the key factors that determine the mileage and performance of electric vehicles. However, with the increase of service life, its performance will obviously decline, the required charging time will be extended and the mileage will be shortened. Some insiders said that the recommended service life of power batteries is generally 5 to 10 years. As a large number of electric vehicles have been put into use, the number of power batteries that need to be replaced will soar rapidly in the near future, and the demand for environmental protection and resource reuse will increase rapidly.

  Some experts said that some power batteries that can still be used can be used in other scenes with reduced requirements, such as energy storage systems (ESS). For power batteries that can’t be used any more, we can consider recycling them and reuse the resources such as metal elements. At present, the metals such as lithium, cobalt and nickel needed for mining and processing electric vehicles often need to span several continents, and the transportation distance often exceeds 2,000 kilometers. Therefore, recycling and utilizing the raw materials in waste batteries is a more efficient and sustainable way, which can effectively reduce the burden in the fields of mining new mines, mining and processing.

  Automobile and battery manufacturers and some start-ups have been exploring various ways to deal with waste power batteries, and some new industries and business models are taking shape.

  According to CNBC, Straubel, former CTO of Tesla, founded Redwood Materials Company in 2017, which focuses on the disposal of electronic waste, and its business includes recycling used batteries, and then providing raw materials extracted from them to automobile manufacturers and battery manufacturers. The company’s first recycling plant in Nevada, USA, has started operation, which can recycle 95% of nickel, cobalt, aluminum and graphite, and more than 80% of lithium in used batteries. Straubel said that in the face of the rapid growth of demand for power batteries, the current supply of raw materials will be difficult to meet the demand, and it is necessary to speed up the investment in "top areas of the food chain", such as the development and recycling of raw materials, and recycling is a very efficient way. On the issue of profitability, Straubel said that the company is still in the initial stage of development, and it still needs to consume a lot of capital to invest in equipment and technology, but in the long run, with the continuous improvement of technology and scale, the company’s business will achieve considerable profits.

  According to media reports, Ultium Cells, a joint venture between LG Energy Solutions and General Motors, will cooperate with Li-Cycle, a battery recycling company, to recycle batteries from this year. Li-Cycle said that its recycling technology can achieve 80% to 100% recycling of all materials in lithium-ion batteries.

  According to Yonhap News Agency, South Korean automaker Kia Motors and its battery supplier SK Innovation will jointly develop a power battery recycling project. It is reported that SK Innovation provides lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles such as EV6 of Kia Motors. As early as March, 2020, the two companies have begun to cooperate in the utilization of waste power batteries, and said that they will cooperate in the treatment and reuse of waste power batteries through energy storage systems, or recycle the metals in waste power batteries, which will help reduce production costs. SK Innovation also said that in addition to the potential economic benefits, recycling waste power batteries can also reduce the number of buried waste batteries, thus reducing the pollution of soil and groundwater.

  The market related to raw material recycling in power batteries is expected to usher in rapid growth in the next few years. According to CNBC, data show that the global lithium recycling market will increase from $1.5 billion in 2019 to $18.1 billion in 2030.

  Some experts said that if the power battery recycling industry wants to accelerate its development, it needs closer cooperation between the electric vehicle industry and the government to help collect batteries with different models and performances, accelerate relevant scientific research projects, formulate relevant standards, simplify the recycling and utilization procedures of used batteries, and reverse the current situation of low recycling rate of used batteries at an early date.

  Some governments are also supporting related innovation activities in various forms. According to Yonhap News Agency, the South Korean government is now partially relaxing the supervision of used batteries by way of "supervision sandbox", so as to allow automobile manufacturers and battery manufacturers to use these batteries to innovate products, services, marketing and business models. The Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of Korea plans to invest 1.3 billion won (about 1.5 million US dollars) before 2024 to conduct experiments on the utilization of used batteries, such as renewable energy projects.

  Jin Shizhen, a researcher at the Korea Automobile Technology Association, said that with the accelerated popularization of electric vehicles, a large number of power batteries will be retired in South Korea from 2026, and by 2030, about 100,000 electric vehicles will need to be replaced. Jin Shiyi said that in order to accelerate the development of the battery recycling industry, it is necessary to speed up the establishment of standards such as waste battery collection, speed up the research and development of related processing technologies, and refine the requirements for battery quality and performance.

Chery TIGGO tiggo tiggo 9 goes global.

On May 31st, the global launch conference of Chery TIGGO Tiggo 9 was held in Beijing, and five models were launched, including the leading version, the deluxe version, the distinguished version, the ultimate version and the flagship version, with an official guide price of 152,900-203,900 yuan.

Tiggo 9 is the first model built by Chery Automobile based on the Mars architecture-super hybrid platform, which integrates the most advanced product technology and configuration points of the Tiggo family. Its launch is an important node for Chery to start a new global journey in the new era.

Since the listing of the first generation of Chery Tiggo, it has always reflected the development and evolution of domestic automobile brands and is a witness to the rise of domestic brands. The brand-new Tiggo 9 listed this time will bring users a higher quality and higher value life experience through the global upgrade with the strength of "9 leapfrog comforts +3 flagship qualities".

As one of the earliest global car companies in China, Chery Automobile has been the export champion of China passenger car brand for 20 consecutive years, and has become the "China business card" loved by users in more than 80 countries and regions around the world. As the pioneer and forerunner of self-owned brand SUV, the Tiggo series has achieved the brilliant achievement of "300W+ global users" since its birth 18 years ago.

Wuhu Daily reporter Zhao Dandan

BYD Han DM, a flagship home test drive suitable for both static and dynamic situations.

  When it comes to China’s own brand car companies, BYD can definitely occupy a place. In the new energy vehicle market, BYD Han is undoubtedly one of the models that are currently concerned. As the flagship model of the brand, Han EV has won market recognition by virtue of its superior performance and excellent endurance, and as a plug-in hybrid model of its first milk compatriot — Han DM was also listed at the same time.

  In fact, in the domestic market, BYD plug-in hybrid models have been sought after by consumers with the advantages of "short-distance electricity consumption and long-distance oil consumption". According to statistics, the sales volume of plug-in hybrid models in China market in 2019 totaled 204,200. As the flagship model of BYD plug-in hybrid, Han DM appeared strongly at this time. Can it stir up the new energy vehicle market again? Recently, the reporter tested this model.

  At present, Han DM is selling two models, namely, the luxury model with four-wheel drive performance, with a subsidized price of 219,800 yuan, and the distinguished model with four-wheel drive performance, with a subsidized price of 239,800 yuan. The car is positioned as a medium and large luxury car, and it is also BYD’s first production car equipped with super hybrid DM-p technology. The model tested by this reporter is a four-wheel drive performance version.

  In terms of appearance, Han DM inherits the design language of BYD family Dragon Face, which is different from the fully enclosed air intake grille of Han EV. Han DM adopts a hexagonal air intake grille with a large mouth, which makes the front face look more aggressive and recognizable.

  In terms of size, the length, width and height of Han DM are 4960/1910/1495mm and the wheelbase is 2920mm respectively. The lines of the whole vehicle are simple and smooth, highlighting the simple and elegant temperament, which also highlights its extravagance as a flagship model.

  When you get into the car, the 15.6-inch large screen on the center console is definitely an eye-catching highlight, and the interior style full of traditional elements of China also creates a strong elegant luxury. In terms of interior materials, Han DM has also made great efforts. Nappa leather package with white cork veneer and careful attention to details highlight the exquisiteness and sophistication that Han DM should have as a flagship model.

  It is understood that Han DM is BYD’s first plug-in hybrid production car equipped with hybrid DM-p technology, which is optimized and upgraded on the basis of DM 3.0, in which the letter P means powerful and strong, and from its 4.7-second 100-kilometer acceleration, it is enough to match the "strong" strength.

  The system consists of a 2.0T all-aluminum engine and a high-voltage, high-speed and high-efficiency driving motor. The 6-speed wet powershift has a maximum power of 321kW and a maximum torque of 650N&bull. m。 In addition, Han DM is equipped with a power battery with a capacity of 15.2kWh, and the cruising range of NEDC in pure electric mode is 81km.

  Calm and smooth flagship luxury car should have the gas field.

  The first feeling of driving Han DM is that it is very calm, which is in line with its gas field as a flagship luxury car. The driving experience on urban roads can also be summarized by the word "smooth". In terms of chassis, Han DM adopts the combination of front McPherson independent suspension and rear multi-link independent suspension. When the road surface is slightly bumpy, Han DM can easily resolve the vibration, and the vibration filtering is relatively soft, which is almost imperceptible to the front and rear passengers in the car. It is very suitable for daily use, and the whole process makes people feel very comfortable.

  In terms of power, Han DM provides five power modes, including pure electricity, parallel connection, series connection, high speed and energy recovery. EV pure electric mode is perfect for daily commuting in urban road conditions, which is very light to drive and fast to start and accelerate at medium and low speeds. When the battery is low, the system will automatically switch to HEV mode, and the engine will provide the main power and charge the battery in reverse.

  In HEV mode, Han DM showed a rapid performance of 4.7 seconds. Under the dual drive of motor and engine, it can feel its powerful power output whether starting or overtaking. In the high-speed section during the test drive, this excellent high-speed sports characteristic was brought into full play.

  In addition, what impressed the reporter was that in this mode, every intervention of the engine can be "smooth and silent", and the switching is very smooth, which makes people feel no jitter, and the whole process can be described as "smooth".

  The five power modes of Han DM all adopt intelligent switching, without manual control by the driver, and the vehicle will automatically switch according to the vehicle demand in each working condition and scene, thus ensuring the optimization of power and energy consumption.

  In terms of handling, the steering power of Han DM is divided into standard and sport. In the standard mode, the reporter’s personal feeling is a little heavy, and girls need to adapt to it when driving, but this is also in line with the stability of its steering texture as a flagship model.

  In terms of quietness, the official data of Han DM show that when the speed is 120km/h, the noise value in Han DM car is only 63.5 decibels. This has also been fully proved during the test drive. When the vehicle travels to 100-120km/h on the expressway, the passengers in the vehicle do not need to raise the tone deliberately, and the sound insulation effect is ideal.

  Comprehensive intelligent configuration brings a rich car experience.

  In addition to bringing quiet feeling to the interior space, Han DM is also equipped with a series of intelligent configurations. In addition to the rotating 15.6-inch screen mentioned above, Han DM is also equipped with DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, which can realize L2.5-level automatic driving assistance, including full-speed adaptive cruise, curve speed control system, front collision warning system, automatic emergency braking system, pedestrian identification/protection system, emergency braking assistance system and lane departure warning system. Combined with the software and hardware system of DiLink 3.0, the interaction between people and vehicles is realized, which brings more convenient and intelligent operation and richer car experience.

  In addition, in terms of active safety, Han DM is equipped with 15 radars, 6 cameras, 3D panoramic transparent image system, and has the functions of speed sensing automatic locking and active tire pressure detection, so as to ensure the safety of people in the car at all times during driving.

  In the post-epidemic period, in order to meet consumers’ higher requirements for in-vehicle air disinfection, Han DM is equipped with CN95 filter element with remote high-temperature disinfection and sterilization mode, so that drivers can fully disinfect the in-vehicle air before getting on the bus, filter pollutant particles adsorbed by viruses in advance, and reduce air hazards when using the car.

  In addition, it is worth mentioning that for female drivers, Han DM also thoughtfully adopted Fuyao’s "Sunscreen Black Umbrella" with silver-plated film interlayer to prevent three safety car windows, and the ultraviolet isolation rate reached over 99%, so that women don’t have to worry about sun protection while driving.

  Editor’s summary:

  It is undeniable that the price of more than 200,000 yuan is not cheap for self-owned brand models, but if it has many advantages such as high performance, high configuration and low fuel consumption at the same time, and the price/performance ratio exceeds the level of its peers, the reporter thinks that BYD Han DM is indeed considerable. No matter its acceleration ability, chassis quality or all-round intelligent configuration, this flagship model can meet the daily use of families. In the domestic mixed market, Han DM can be regarded as a model worthy of starting. 

Symposium on "Sino-Russian Civil Aviation Cooperation and Financial Support" Held in Beijing

  CCTV News:The symposium on "Sino-Russian Civil Aviation Cooperation and Financial Support", a series of seminars on "Sino-Russian Industrial Investment Cooperation" jointly sponsored by Silk Road Planning Research Center, CITIC Reform and Development Research Foundation, China Russian Friendship Association and Qinhuangdao Municipal People’s Government, was successfully held in Beijing yesterday. More than 220 guests from more than 130 units of Chinese and Russian industrial and commercial circles gathered together. Chen Yuan, Vice Chairman of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Chairman of Silk Road Planning and Research Center and President of Russian Friendship Association in China, delivered a keynote speech. Dmitry fyodorovich Mezentsev, member of the Russian House of Lords, president of the Russian China Friendship Association and former Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, attended the seminar and delivered a speech.


  Chen Yuan first expressed warm congratulations on the success of the seminar and extended warm welcome and cordial greetings to all the guests present. He said that in the past 20 years, Sino-Russian relations have become increasingly close, and friendly and extensive cooperation has been carried out in many economic fields such as energy industry, equipment industry, commerce and trade, light industry, agriculture, etc., and a good trend of promoting each other and learning from each other’s strengths has been achieved. Russian aviation industry has long been an important force in the world aviation industry. In recent years, the establishment of United Aviation Manufacturing Group indicates that Russian aviation industry has returned to the normal road of orderly development, new products are constantly emerging, and foreign cooperation has also achieved fruitful results, trying to return to the first group in the world aviation manufacturing industry. These are all reliable foundations for future cooperation between China and Russia in civil aircraft industry.


  Chen Yuan emphasized that looking forward to the future development prospect of Sino-Russian cooperation, on the basis of continuing to develop the traditional energy economy such as oil and natural gas, China and Russia need to increase cooperation and promote common development in the field of non-energy economy. Under the pattern of cooperation in the field of non-energy economy, it is the best way to select specific industries for complementary development. The most prominent and urgently needed complementary advantages between China and Russia are in the field of civil aviation industry, joint research and development and joint manufacturing of major aircraft projects. At present, China and Russia have begun to promote large-scale wide-body passenger aircraft and heavy helicopters in the field of civil aviation industry. The joint development of civil aviation industry between China and Russia is a natural complementary pattern, and the basic industrial conditions can form a mutually beneficial pattern.

  Chen Yuan believes that China’s civil aircraft industry is currently facing an industrial leap from single-aisle passenger aircraft to wide-body passenger aircraft, and China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd. C919 will complete its first flight in 2017 and move towards the engineering development stage of airworthiness and evidence collection. The Sino-Russian joint working team of C929 is being set up, and the planning of engineering development has begun. China’s cooperation and promotion model in the field of civil aircraft industry can refer to and draw lessons from the historical successful experience of the establishment and development of EADS, a European Airbus Group, with clear strategic objectives. At the same time, it can take the lead in making innovative breakthroughs from financial support and support Sino-Russian cooperative enterprises to jointly develop a number of aviation branch technologies. With incubation and investment, we will guide the potential supplier enterprises of China and Russia to quickly match the models and parts of products with wide-body passenger aircraft and heavy-duty helicopter projects. We hope that both China and Russia can follow the pattern of joint development of airframe composite materials of Airbus in Europe and establish priority financial support projects for cooperation between Chinese and Russian enterprises.

  Mezentsev highly agreed with Chairman Chen Yuan’s speech and conveyed Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Manturov’s concern and support for this seminar. He hoped that the seminar could start from the aspects of trade, equipment and civil aviation, and strive to reach the plan to be implemented in cooperation, forming new achievements and new standards for cooperation between the two sides.


  Emelianov Sergey Fraki milovic, Director of Aviation Industry Department of Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, Lobov Ollego Gennadiyevich, Director of International Cooperation Department of United Aviation Manufacturing Corporation, Petrov Victor Fraki milovic, Head of Aviation Integrated Facilities of Russian National Technology Corporation, Parkin Vladimir Anatolievich, General Manager Advisor of baranov Central Aeroengine Research Institute, and other representatives of Russian enterprises spoke at the plenary meeting in the morning.

  He Dongfeng, Vice Chairman, General Manager and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of China Commercial Aircraft Co., Ltd., Pang Zhen, Minister of Civil Aircraft Industry of aviation industry corporation of china, Gong Haiping, Director of Civil Aircraft Office of China Aviation Engine Group Co., Ltd., and leaders and experts from leading Chinese civil aircraft manufacturing enterprises spoke at the conference. Yang Yu, Vice President of CITIC Bank, and Si Xinbo, Deputy General Manager of Silk Road Fund delivered speeches on behalf of financial institutions. Jiang Zhigang, vice chairman of Silk Road Planning and Research Center, presided over the morning meeting.


  In addition, more than 50 important leaders and well-known experts from the political, business, financial and academic circles of China and Russia, as the main speakers, expressed their unique opinions at the group discussion in the afternoon to discuss major issues such as Sino-Russian civil aviation cooperation and financial support.

Huawei Zhang Wenlin: Digital technology accelerates the transformation and upgrading of media industry.

  On May 20th, the 2021 China International Intelligent Communication Forum, with the theme of "Intelligent Communication in the New Era", hosted by the Central Radio and Television General Station and the People’s Government of Jiangsu Province, kicked off in Wuxi, Jiangsu. Vice Minister Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China, Director and Editor-in-Chief of the Central Radio and Television General Station, Shen Haixiong, Deputy Secretary of jiangsu provincial party committee and Governor Wu Zhenglong attended the opening ceremony of the forum and delivered speeches. Huang Qin, secretary of Wuxi Municipal Party Committee, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony, and Du Xiaogang, deputy secretary of Wuxi Municipal Party Committee and mayor, delivered a keynote speech. A number of industry experts and scholars, entrepreneurs and representatives of Chinese and foreign media gathered in Wuxi to talk about the new future of intelligent communication. Zhang Wenlin, President of Huawei’s Strategy Department, attended the main forum and delivered a keynote speech entitled "Digital Technology Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Media Industry".

  Zhang Wenlin, President of Huawei’s Strategy Department, delivered a keynote speech on "Digital Technology Accelerating the Transformation and Upgrading of Media Industry" in the main forum.

  First, the era of ultra-high-definition video has arrived, and it is accelerating towards 4K/8K and richer experiences.

  On March 1, 2019, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration of Radio and Television and the Central Radio and Television General Station jointly issued the Action Plan for the Development of Ultra HD Video Industry (2019— 2022). The overall goal of the action plan is to vigorously promote the development of ultra-high-definition video industry and its application in related fields in accordance with the overall technical route of "4K first and 8K second". In September, 2020, HDRVivid, the key technical standard of ultra-high definition video industry in China, was officially announced. In the Spring Festival Evening of 2021, the world’s first 8K ultra-high-definition TV live screen was fresh in memory. The era of ultra-high definition is coming. The penetration rate of family 4K TV in China has exceeded 70%, and the number of families with 4K receiving ability has reached 200 million.

  Technological changes have driven the development of the industry, and the requirements for efficiency, quality and computing power in film and television production have been greatly improved. Driven by the demand for accelerated remote collaboration in the epidemic, it is accelerating the overall cloud. Taking film and television works as an example, from Avatar in 2009 to Alita in 2019, the number of special effects shots doubled, and the requirements for calculation and storage increased by more than four times; There are also super variety shows, the number of shots is increased by 10 times, the quality is required to start at 4K, the production time is required to be shortened, and the parallel computing is required to be improved by 10 times. Starting from supporting the efficient production of content, AI will completely change the future creation and production mode, from the production end to the consumption end. There are a lot of pain points that need to be solved by AI intelligence in the whole process of current content production, and the changes in the future film and television industry need innovative technical support.

  Second, the ultra-high-definition industry will be scaled up to promote technological innovation and industrial transformation.

  Throughout the 14 th Five-Year Plan, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is accelerating, and the deep integration of virtual reality technology and digital technologies such as the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and 5G is having a profound and extensive impact on the economic and social development process. In recent years, the policies and plans of the General Administration of Radio and Television and the Film Bureau have clearly put forward the requirements for technology and industrial development, and the core points to four aspects: open innovation, deepening development, all-round promotion and industrial upgrading.

  Huawei is deeply involved in video media technology and continues to innovate: In the past 25 years, from multimedia communication to video products serving radio and television/operators, it has gradually built the video development capability of the whole process and industry, and through in-depth and comprehensive research on audio and video basic technologies, it has been actively contributing to and promoting the formulation of open and innovative industrial standards and international standards with innovative technologies, and promoting industrial upgrading.

  The key basic technology of ultra-high-definition video is firstly HDR. Since the release of the HDR standard by the Ultra-high-definition Alliance, the HDRVivid industry has become increasingly mature: commercial products in all sectors of the industry have been fully launched, and all mainstream manufacturers in all sectors will launch products and contents supporting this technical standard during the year, greatly enhancing the visual experience of consumers; Then there is DRM, the key guarantee technology of ultra-high-definition industry: multilateral enterprises in the industrial chain jointly build a trust center DTA, creating an open standard, transparent and credible service model for global multilateral cooperation; Domestic and foreign manufacturers have participated in it, and the ecosystem has become increasingly mature, escorting the security of ultra-high-definition content.

  At CCTV main station ‘ 5G+4K/8K+AI’ Driven by the strategy, the whole industry is accelerating the comprehensive technological upgrading and transformation such as IP and cloud. The ultra-high-definition video production and broadcasting platform built by CCTV will form an ultra-high-definition program production capacity with an annual output of 10,000 hours (including new media and TV terminals), which will greatly promote the large-scale application of ultra-high-definition content, and then promote new business models such as live broadcast of ultra-high-definition TV theaters, support unified distribution for various end users, and accelerate the development of industrial integration.

  Three, industrial change to stimulate technological breakthroughs, business innovation chain reaction

  With the advent of the 5G era, the audio and video industry will realize digitalization, networking and intelligent upgrade. The access of 5G technology will bring new changes to film and television shooting. Media shooting can be made directly on the cloud. Since the National Day military parade of CCTV in 2019, the technology of 5G back transmission after shooting has taken the lead. At present, the technology has gradually matured. Huawei can provide more than 500M of stable bandwidth through 5G super uplink capability, and at the same time, it can provide 1G uplink capability next year, which can be widely used in all kinds of media shooting and live event scenes. By shooting the production scheme on the cloud through live broadcast, the cost of single live broadcast can be reduced by 60%. At the same time, because the live shooting brought by 5G jumps into the cloud, virtual shooting will redefine the shooting mode: by constructing a three-dimensional digital twin space of film and television content, the background of the calculated content can be combined with the physical image of the real shot, which will greatly improve the manufacturing efficiency in the early and late shooting. AI drives motion capture/voice/digital twins/light/spatial positioning and other functions to comprehensively improve the efficiency and quality of film and television content creation.

  The key to upgrading the 4K/8K content production and broadcasting is IP transformation. The media matrix will lead the IP transformation of TV station production and broadcasting, and support 2000 channels of 4K/8K content production and broadcasting in the traditional SDI mode, which requires 32 cabinets and 4 tons of heavy copper cable. The MediaFabric jointly innovated by Huawei and CCTV can complete the same task with two cabinets and about 100 kilograms of optical fiber, and support flexibility and scalability, and support future-oriented evolution.

  The application of technologies such as 5G, IP, cloud and AI in the process of ultra-high definition has contributed to the chemical reaction of business innovation. For example, the free viewing angle in the ultra-high-definition field is becoming a bright spot and hot spot in the industry. The Spring Festival Evening "Heroes of Heaven and Earth" has a high-quality image quality and a full-time 4K free viewing angle, bringing a new viewing experience and rich application scenarios.

  Fourth, cloud-based technologies and services have brought about changes in production, processing and distribution models.

  There will be three revolutionary services on Huawei Cloud:First, digital content is fully produced on the cloud, and various tools such as modeling interaction are efficiently scheduled and operated on the cloud through large-scale flexible computing power; Huawei and its eco-partners are steadily advancing the innovation of cloud production process services, which were officially released together with their partners at the Shanghai Film Festival in June this year. The second is the production on the 4K variety cloud. Based on the production practice of "Sister Riding the Wind and Waves", Huawei Cloud can realize the simultaneous editing and processing of hundreds of video streams through mature technologies such as real-time processing of proxy files and original files, which greatly accelerates the production efficiency in the later stage of variety. Third, making real-time generation services on the digital people cloud, which will produce film-and-television digital people with anthropomorphic characteristics and real digital twin figures, will be applied to the field of TV variety for the first time, and more innovative scenes such as lifelike digital twin program hosts will greatly enrich the content creation mode. There will be a famous host’s digital twin in the year, so please look forward to it.

  The mature services on Huawei Cloud are also constantly innovating and promoting the development of ultra-HD industry;Intelligent repair function, with accurate AI algorithm to help high-quality, efficient content repair and quality improvement, while improving video quality, enhance users’ willingness to watch. More than 500 films and videos have been restored.

  Explore a new mode of publishing on the cloud;Support the film distribution field to quickly enter the digital service era from the hard disk mailing era. In the field of distribution, there are still many difficult problems in the distribution of the film industry. At present, the distribution for urban cinemas still adopts the mode of hard disk delivery, which is high in cost, easy to damage, low in security and unable to be flexibly scheduled. The cloud service based on timely error correction and security guarantee of Huawei Cloud greatly improves the flexibility, timeliness and security of film distribution.

  5. New market space: integrating innovation and providing the ultimate experience for more users in a timely manner.

  The second live mode is about to provide services in a normal and large scale. It is expected to provide users with more and better enjoyment in cinemas, theaters and various venues that can provide the ultimate experience of film and television content.

  The new home theater will create the second largest cinema market. Through revolutionary experience upgrading, convenient and flexible installation and civilian price, it provides a brand-new video business experience for home users. The AiMax business operation practice of Huawei video and smart screen proves that high-quality home theater experience will stimulate three times the viewing volume, increase the willingness to pay by two times, and incite huge commercial value.

  Generally speaking, under the general trend of the accelerated development of ultra-high-definition industry, various technologies have been iteratively developed, which has spawned various business innovations and business model innovations, and constantly opened up new markets. This will promote the chain reaction of innovation in all aspects of the industry, which requires the joint efforts of the entire industrial ecological partners and the government to provide necessary conditions and convenience for the cluster development of the industry. In this process, Huawei will focus on technological innovation, join hands with partners, actively promote the development of ultra-high-definition technology and industry, and create full-process technological innovation with the support value of 5G, IP, cloud and AI to help the digital transformation and industrial upgrading of the film and television industry in the ultra-high-definition era.

Aauto Quicker’s listing in Hong Kong ignites a new economic boom.

  Xinhua News Agency, Hongkong, February 5th (Reporter Wang Xi) "Bang!" With the sound of the online "gong gong", Aauto Quicker Science and Technology officially landed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on the 5th. Aauto Quicker Science and Technology, with the stock code of 1024, offered an opening price of HK$ 338.

  When the epidemic in COVID-19 pressed the "pause button" for economic life, short videos and live broadcasts went against the wind.

  Affected by industry dividends, Aauto Quicker has developed rapidly in recent years, becoming one of the social platforms widely used in the Mainland, with an average daily active users of applications and applets exceeding 300 million.

  According to the prospectus, the share price of Aauto Quicker Technology ranges from HK$ 105 to HK$ 115, and the number of shares for initial public offering worldwide is 365,218,600. Within a few days of the public offering, the part of the sale has been oversubscribed by more than a thousand times, and the market frozen capital has exceeded one trillion yuan.

  "Aauto Quicker is the first global listing of a large short video social platform. For investors, this innovative enterprise in the mainland is in a period of high growth, which is very attractive. Coupled with the lack of scarcity of similar companies, it has aroused great enthusiasm from investors. " Yang Yuchuan, a visiting professor in hong kong financial services institute, said.

  Not only large institutions are concerned, but also many retail investors are fond of Aauto Quicker.

  Liu Hui, a Hong Kong citizen, also made a "new" Aauto Quicker in the IPO. She said: "There are many people in the Mainland who use short videos now. I believe that advertising revenue and cargo revenue will increase greatly, and there will be a lot of room for online economy development after the epidemic. I am very optimistic."

  As a typical representative of the new economy, Aauto Quicker’s main product is short video, a popular mobile phone application in mainland China in recent years. Earlier, iResearch predicted that the short video market revenue in the Mainland would reach 211 billion yuan in 2020.

  Liao qun, chief economist of China CITIC Bank (International), said that Aauto Quicker was only one of the listed companies in, and the reason why he was so popular was that investors were optimistic about China’s economy and the development of emerging industries in China.

  "North water flows south, and China Stock Exchange returns, which not only promotes the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong’s stock market, but also prompts Hong Kong to transform into a new economy." Liao qun said.

AITO asks M9 appearance to be officially announced, and the brand-new factory of Sailis automobile unveils mystery.

  Recently, the high-profile AITO industry M9 officially announced the design, and many media people in the car circle shouted, "Gone forever are the days when foreign luxury car brands could price whatever they wanted in China!" Although this statement sounds a little more modest than Yu Chengdong’s statement of "the best SUV within 10 million", just announcing the appearance can arouse such multimedia attention and market discussion, which fully shows how much the market pays attention to and expects this model, which is jointly built by Cyrus Automobile and Huawei and positioned as the flagship SUV of panoramic wisdom. The industry is also looking forward to whether this car can bring new changes to China’s new energy vehicle industry and even the entire automobile industry. According to the official announcement, this car will be officially launched at the end of the year, when it will achieve the same level of leadership in platform advancement, high-level intelligent driving ability and technical content.

AITO asks the M9 appearance to be officially announced, and the new factory of Sailis Automobile unveils the mystery _fororder_image001

  At the same time that AITO asked M9 to attract the attention of the whole industry, the Celestial Auto Super Factory, which is about to "make this model intelligently", also unveiled the mystery. In the recent Chongqing news broadcast, we also got a glimpse of its true colors. As can be seen from the name, compared with Tesla’s super factory, the local super factory built by Cyrus Auto has the ambition to lead the new changes in China’s new energy vehicle industry. If you are ambitious, you should have strength.

AITO asks the M9 appearance to be officially announced, and the new factory of Sailis Automobile unveils the mystery _fororder_image002

  It is understood that the Celestial Auto Super Factory is a cooperative project between Celestial Auto and Chongqing Liangjiang New Area. It is driven by digitalization and intelligence, combined with technologies such as big data and Internet of Things, and built by digital twin technology. It not only adopts advanced production technology and technical equipment in the industry, but also ensures the quality of vehicles through cutting-edge technologies such as digital total quality testing, and proactively applies environmentally-friendly technologies to ensure energy conservation and emission reduction in the whole production process. At present, the factory is accelerating construction, and when it is completed, it will be one of the largest intelligent manufacturing bases of new energy vehicles in the world.

AITO asks the M9 appearance to be officially announced, and the new factory of Sailis Automobile unveils the mystery _fororder_image003

  For a long time, as the leader of high-end brand of new energy steam, Sailis Automobile has been expanding the extension of industry model and technical level: the strong alliance with Huawei has become an industry model; The AITO series models jointly designed and built have become the industry benchmark. Recently, the new M7 has only been on the market for more than a month, and the large order has exceeded 6W. The two smart factories built with digitalization, intelligence and Internet of Things as the core represent the leading technical level of the new energy vehicle industry at present. The brand-new Celestial Super Factory, which is about to be put into production, is bound to lead the digital transformation of China’s new energy industry. (Photo: provided by Cyrus)

LI brand story

LI is a new energy automobile manufacturer in China, which designs, develops, manufactures and sells luxury intelligent electric vehicles. Founded in July 2015, it is headquartered in Beijing and has its own production base in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. Through product innovation and technology research and development, it provides safe and convenient products and services for home users.

In China, LI is a pioneer in the successful commercialization of extended-range electric vehicles. Li ONE, the first and only commercialized extended-range electric vehicle model, is a six-seat medium and large luxury electric SUV (sport utility vehicle) equipped with an extended-range system and advanced smart car solutions. It started mass production in November 2019 and launched the 2021 Li ONE on May 25, 2021. On March 1, 2022, LI announced the delivery data for February 2022. In February 2022, LI delivered 8,414 Li ONE vehicles, an increase of 265.8% compared with February 2021. By the end of February, 2022, Li ONE had delivered 144,770 vehicles.

According to the prospectus of Hong Kong stocks, LI will launch the first product of X platform in 2022 — — Full-size luxury extended-range electric SUV, and launched two other SUVs on the X platform in 2023. In the future, two high-voltage pure electric vehicle platforms will be launched — — Whale and Shark, and since 2023, two new high-voltage pure electric vehicles have been launched every year.

LI is developing 400kW ultra-fast charging technology. Before the introduction of pure electric vehicles in 2023, the necessary ultra-fast charging infrastructure will be built to meet users’ demand for fast charging in high-speed and some dense areas.

On July 30th, 2020, LI was officially listed on the NASDAQ stock market with the stock code "Li".


On July 1, 2015, Li Xiang founded LI;  

On October 18th, 2018, the first product — — Li ONE;; 

On April 10, 2019, Li ONE listed and announced the price — — The national unified retail price was 328,000 yuan, and users began to accept reservations;  

On May 1, 2019, the first batch of five ideal retail centers in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen officially opened. 

On November 20, 2019, LI Changzhou Base began mass production, and Li ONE officially went offline; 

In December 2019, Li ONE began to deliver users; 

On July 30, 2020, LI was officially listed on the Nasdaq stock market in the United States, with the stock code "Li"; 

In October, 2020, LI delivered 3,692 Li ONE vehicles, a steady growth compared with September, 2020, and once again set a new monthly delivery record. By October 31st, 2020, the company has 41 retail centers in 36 cities. 

On December 18, 2020, Li ONE delivered more than 30,000 users; Since the delivery was officially started in Li ONE on December 4, 2019, LI has completed the delivery of the first 30,000 vehicles in just 12 months and 14 days, setting a record for the fastest delivery of the first model of New Car Power. 

In April 2021, Li ONE delivered more than 50,000 users; 

On April 1, 2022, the national unified retail price in Li ONE was 349,800 yuan.  

On June 1, 2021, the 2021 Li ONE began to be delivered to users; 

On July 10th, 2021, the 100th direct retail center in LI officially opened. 

On August 12th, 2021, LI was officially listed on the main board of Hong Kong Stock Exchange, with stock code: 2015.

In October, 2021, LI announced that Beijing Green Intelligent Factory was officially started in Shunyi District, Beijing. This is to build an intelligent manufacturing factory for pure electric passenger cars by using the former Beijing Hyundai No.1 Factory, with a total area of 270,000 square meters. LI said that the investment of the whole project exceeds 6 billion yuan, and it is planned to be put into production by the end of 2023. After commissioning, the first phase will achieve an annual production capacity of 100,000 pure electric vehicles. 

On October 28th, 2021, the 100,000th Li ONE officially rolled off the production line at Changzhou base in LI, and it is ideal to become the first new car-making force product with a single model exceeding 100,000. It only took 708 days to set a record for the fastest single car-making force in China to break 100,000. 

On November 29th, LI announced its financial report for the third quarter of 2021. In this quarter, it achieved revenue of 7.78 billion yuan and delivered 25,116 vehicles, up by 190.0% year-on-year, reaching a new record high. 

On December 1st, LI announced the delivery volume in November. Li ONE delivered 13,485 vehicles in November, and the cumulative delivery volume from January to November was 76,404 vehicles. Since its launch, Li ONE has delivered 110,001 vehicles. 

In December, 2021, LI announced that it would start to push OTA version 3.0. After this update, the "visual parking" function will be added to the 2020 model, and the "navigation-assisted driving" function will be enabled to the 2021 model. In addition, functions such as "ideal classmate" have also been optimized. 

LI announced the delivery volume in December 2021 and the whole year. In 2021, the total delivery volume was 90,491 vehicles, up 177.4% year-on-year. 

On January 28th, 2022, Beijing Chehejia Information Technology Co., Ltd. obtained the patent authorization of "Vehicle Falling into the Water Escape Device and Vehicle". 

In February 2022, the "WeChat Car Edition" was updated, saying that it had been connected to 15 car manufacturers such as Ideal. 

In February, 2022, the third production base in LI will surface. This may mean that LI will build a production base in Chongqing. 

On February 25, 2022, LI released the financial report for the fourth quarter and the whole year of 2021. The financial report shows that LI achieved revenue of 10.62 billion yuan in the fourth quarter and delivered 35,221 vehicles, and the quarterly revenue exceeded 10 billion for the first time; In 2021, the company achieved revenue of 27.01 billion yuan and delivered 90,491 vehicles, both of which reached record highs. By the end of the fourth quarter, the company’s cash reserves reached 50.16 billion yuan. On the premise of substantially increasing R&D investment and accelerating the expansion of sales network, it still achieved profitability in the fourth quarter, with operating cash flow reaching 3.84 billion yuan, which fully reflects that LI has outstanding operating efficiency.

On March 23, 2022, the official Weibo of LI released a message saying that due to the continuous sharp rise of upstream raw materials, LI will adjust the price of Li ONE from April 1, 2022, and the national unified retail price will be raised from the current 338,000 yuan to 349 yuan, 800 yuan. This price adjustment will take effect from 0: 00 on April 1, 2022. 


On January 30th, 2020, LI donated 2 million yuan through Hubei Charity Federation to support the prevention and control of pneumonia infected by novel coronavirus in Wuhan and other areas. 

On July 21st, 2021, LI donated 10 million yuan to Henan Charity Federation for flood control and disaster relief.