Krypton responds to Xi ‘an Krypton 001 fire.

  On April 20, Extreme Krypton Automobile issued a statement on "A Extreme Krypton 001 fire incident occurred in Yanta District of Xi ‘an", saying that there were no people on board at the time of the incident and the fire did not cause any casualties.

  Extreme Krypton Automobile said that we attach great importance to the fire of vehicles, and the relevant staff have rushed to the scene at the first time to assist users in reporting insurance and providing scooters, and at the same time report to public security, fire protection and other relevant departments.

Image source: Extreme APP

  According to Krypton Automobile, according to the information currently available, when a fire broke out, the power battery of the vehicle was in a safe state, and no thermal runaway occurred, and the accident caused by the power battery was initially ruled out. After the fire, the scene showed that only the front standby compartment of the vehicle was overheated, and the passenger compartment, chassis and power battery were kept intact. We will actively cooperate with the fire department to carry out the investigation, and the cause of the accident will be subject to the investigation results of relevant institutions. At the same time, assist users to deal with the follow-up, fully protect users’ rights and interests, and do a good job in related after-care services.

  Previously, in January this year, there was also an extremely krypton 001 fire accident in Yueqing, Wenzhou. When the vehicle caught fire, there were no people on board, and the fire did not cause any casualties. At that time, Extreme Krypton Automobile issued a briefing response on January 20th and February 9th, respectively.

  Among them, the description of the car published on February 9 pointed out that the fire was ignited by the wreckage of fireworks and firecrackers, and there was no short circuit in the car when there was a fire accident. According to the investigation of Wenzhou Yueqing Fire Rescue Brigade, the cause of vehicle fire was caused by the spread of combustible materials ignited by fireworks and firecrackers. In the event of a fire accident, the high-voltage power supply system, low-voltage power supply system and three-electricity system of the vehicle all work normally without any short circuit. During the fire and after the fire extinguishing, the headlights of the vehicle turned on and the alarm system worked normally, indicating that the battery, fuse box and related wiring harness were all normal, and there was no fault in the low-voltage alarm system of the whole vehicle.

Image source: Extreme APP

Stock Market Express: On April 22nd, Cyrus (601127) sold 217 million yuan of main funds.

According to Securities Star, as of the close of April 22, 2024, Cyrus (601127) closed at 94.93 yuan, down 0.58%, with a turnover rate of 2.64%, with a turnover of 399,200 lots and a turnover of 3.793 billion yuan.

As for the data of capital flow on April 22nd, the net outflow of main funds was 217 million yuan, accounting for 5.73% of the total turnover, the net inflow of hot money was 68.5681 million yuan, accounting for 1.81% of the total turnover, and the net inflow of retail funds was 149 million yuan, accounting for 3.92% of the total turnover.

See the following table for a summary of capital flows in the past five days:

The main indicators and industry rankings of this stock are as follows:

The third quarterly report of Cyrus in 2023 showed that the company’s main income was 16.68 billion yuan, down 27.86% year-on-year; The net profit of returning to the mother was-2.294 billion yuan, up 14.23% year-on-year; Deducting non-net profit was-3.015 billion yuan, down 5.24% year-on-year; In the third quarter of 2023, the company’s main revenue in a single quarter was 5.648 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 47.25%; The net profit returned to the mother in a single quarter was-950 million yuan, down 0.25% year-on-year; Non-net profit deducted in a single quarter was-1.13 billion yuan, up 1.77% year-on-year; The debt ratio is 83.36%, the investment income is 247 million yuan, the financial expenses are-55,056,400 yuan, and the gross profit margin is 6.76%. Cyrus (601127) is mainly engaged in R&D, manufacturing, sales and service of new energy vehicles and core three-power, traditional vehicles and core component assemblies.

In the last 90 days, the stock has been rated by 10 institutions, with 5 buy ratings and 5 overweight ratings; The average target price of the institution in the past 90 days is 104.0.

Explanation of the term "capital flow": refers to the reversal of capital flow through price changes. When the stock price is in a rising state, the turnover formed by active buying orders is the driving force for the stock price to rise, which is defined as capital inflow, and when the stock price is in a falling state, the turnover generated by active selling orders is the driving force for the stock price to fall, which is defined as capital outflow. The difference between the two forces on that day is the net force left to push the stock price up after the two forces offset each other on that day. Calculate the main capital flow, hot money flow and retail capital flow through the transaction amount of each transaction.

Note: The main funds are large single transactions, the hot money is large single transactions, and the retail investors are small and medium single transactions.

The above contents are compiled by Securities Star according to public information, and generated by algorithm (No.310104345710301240019), which has nothing to do with the position of this website. Please contact us if there is any problem with the data. This article is for data collation, and does not constitute any investment advice for you. Investment is risky, so please make a careful decision.

China’s mobile phone market shows a warming trend, and 5G mobile phones are intensively listed

  China news agency, Beijing, April 17 (Reporter Liu Yuying) Recently, the China market has intensively released new models of 5G mobile phones, and various manufacturers have preempted the layout for possible "retaliatory consumption".

  This week, OPPO, Huawei’s glory and Yijia all released new 5G mobile phones. Huawei P40, which was released once in the world in March, held a special conference for the China market last week. In February and March, more than 10 manufacturers using Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 chips released 5G mobile phones.

  Due to the outbreak of the epidemic, the mobile phone market in China experienced a cliff-like decline in January and February, and the shipment volume decreased by 44% year-on-year. With the acceleration of resumption of production and work, the mobile phone market in China shipped 21.756 million units in March, down 23.3% year-on-year, but the chain increased significantly, 3.4 times that of 6.384 million units in February.

  Regarding the market heat, Zhang Yang, an analyst at Zhongcheng Think Tank, believes that the mobile phone market has not yet picked up, but it has begun to pick up. Previously, due to the epidemic, many manufacturers delayed the release of new machines. Now that the isolation measures are lifted, manufacturers will release new models as soon as possible.

  Yu Chengdong, CEO of Huawei’s consumer business, said that the China market recovered quickly. Huawei’s mobile phone sales recovered quickly from the end of February to the beginning of March, and achieved very good growth in March.

  5G is undoubtedly the driving force behind the recovery of the mobile phone market. China’s rapid construction of 5G network is one of the reasons to attract consumers to purchase it.

  According to the data of China Information and Communication Research Institute, in March, the shipment of 5G mobile phones reached 6.215 million units, an increase of 162% compared with the previous month, setting a new monthly sales record.

  Zhang Yang predicted that in the second and third quarters of this year, especially during the "618", "double 11" and "Double 12" e-commerce carnival, 5G mobile phones are expected to usher in a small sales peak.

  Compared with the high-end mobile phones and flagship machine, most of which were above 5,000 yuan (RMB, the same below), the price of 5G mobile phones is dropping. The glory 30 series just released, the price is between 2999 yuan and 5499 yuan; OPPO Ace2 is priced between 3999 yuan and 4599 yuan; One plus eight series is between 3999 yuan and 5999 yuan.

  Zhong Xinlong, a researcher at the Institute of Informationization and Software Industry of CCID Think Tank, said that from the released 5G mobile phones, the functions are being differentiated. The Ace2 released by OPPO this week is a game mobile phone for mobile game enthusiasts, and the whole configuration fits the needs of the game. In the future, there may be mobile phones for different users, such as female users, and consumers may have more than one 5G mobile phone.

  Zhong Xinlong said that compared with the 4G era, the competition of 5G mobile phones will be more intense, and strengthening research and development is expected to survive. For example, vivo and Samsung cooperate to develop 5G chips to meet the different needs of users. Xiaomi has also invested in a number of chip companies with the intention of building a whole industrial chain.

  At present, the market tends to pick up, and manufacturers also go all out. However, whether the growth can be achieved throughout the year depends on the speed of the popularization of 5G mobile phones.

  In the 4G era, the popularity of 4G mobile phones benefited from the thousand yuan machine. Wu Hequan, an academician of China Academy of Engineering, said earlier that the price of 5G mobile phones is still high.

  Zhong Xinlong said that in terms of the price distribution of 5G mobile phones, more than 4,000 yuan is a high-end machine, 2,000 yuan to 4,000 yuan is a mid-range machine, and less than 2,000 yuan is a low-end machine. At present, the price of 5G mobile phones is generally above the mid-range. The reason is that mobile phone production is a scale effect. The higher the output, the lower the marginal cost, and the whole cost will come down.

  The industry predicts that with the intensification of competition in the whole market, low-end models will appear next year. However, it is also reported that if the market is hot, it is expected to launch a 5G mobile phone below 2000 yuan this year.

The "battery shortage" struck, and the CEO of the car company personally defended the "grab" goods.

CCTV News:In recent years, with the deepening of the concept of green development, the competition around the new energy industry is also intensifying, as the heart of new energy vehicles — — The importance of power battery is self-evident. Just recently, the share price of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, a power battery company, has been rising continuously, with a total market value exceeding 1.3 trillion yuan in one fell swoop. Behind the enthusiastic performance of the capital market, the problem of "battery shortage" in the new energy automobile industry is highlighted.

Not long ago, the media reported that He Xiaopeng, CEO of Xpeng Motors, personally stayed in Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited for a week in order to get the battery from Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited. Zeng Yuqun, the chairman of Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, said at the recent shareholders’ meeting that he couldn’t stand the recent urging of customers. Behind this, a "battery shortage" is quietly coming.

Demand exceeds supply, and major power battery manufacturers are operating at full capacity.

In order to meet the needs of car companies, major power battery companies have also started their horsepower. Ganfeng Lithium Industry is a lithium battery manufacturer in Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province, supplying many new energy vehicles such as Tesla Model3 and BYD Han.

Huang Jingping, Director of Quality Department of Yifeng Lithium Battery Factory:Since the beginning of the year, we have basically not stopped production. In a month, we are basically producing at full capacity for 28 days.

Ensure that battery supply car companies are "holding their thighs"

Faced with the shortage of batteries, car companies dare not neglect, and hold the "thighs" of power battery manufacturers in advance. In early June this year, Great Wall Motor signed a ten-year strategic cooperation framework agreement with Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited for power batteries.

Head of Great Wall Motor Investor Hotline:The shortage of battery supply is a common problem facing the industry at present, and we should also make the layout in advance. The main thing is to ensure a battery supply from Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited to the Great Wall.

Tesla CEO Musk has repeatedly expressed his concern about the shortage of battery supply, bluntly saying how much the supplier gives and how much Tesla will buy.

Elon &bull, CEO of Tesla; Musk:The supply of power batteries is more or less, which restricts the development of new energy automobile industry at present. Tesla has made it clear to major battery suppliers that we will do our best to purchase the batteries produced by Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, Panasonic and LG Chem.

On the evening of June 28th, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited announced that the company had signed an agreement with Tesla to supply lithium-ion power battery products to Tesla in the next four years.

Zhang Xiang, a researcher at north china university of technology Automotive Industry Innovation Research Center:The phenomenon of battery shortage has always existed in the industry. Car companies such as Volkswagen and Audi have also been forced to suspend the production of some models because of lack of batteries. For the development of global new energy automobile industry, the problem of battery supply is like a "sword of Damocles" hanging over the head.

SNEResearch, a global emerging energy market research organization, predicts that by 2023, the global demand for power batteries for electric vehicles will reach 406 GWH, while the supply of power batteries is expected to be 335 GWH, with a gap of about 18%. By 2025, this gap will expand to about 40%.

Geely Automobile’s net profit will shrink by 30% in 2020, and its net cash flow from operating activities will plummet by 87%.

On March 23rd, Geely Automobile Holdings Limited released its 2020 financial report. Although some sectors performed brilliantly, Geely Automobile’s revenue and net profit declined in 2020 compared with 2019, which the company attributed to the COVID-19 epidemic.

In 2020, Geely Automobile achieved revenue of 92.1 billion RMB, down 5.4% year-on-year. Net profit was 5.57 billion yuan, down 32% year-on-year, compared with 8.26 billion yuan in the same period last year. The profit attributable to shareholders was RMB 5.53 billion, and the ending cash balance was RMB 19 billion.

After the results were announced, the market reacted strongly. In the afternoon, Hong Kong stock Geely Automobile plunged in a straight line, with a drop of over 7%.

In 2020, the cumulative sales volume of Geely Automobile exceeded 1.32 million, ranking first in the sales volume of China brand passenger cars for four consecutive years. However, this figure is 3% lower than that in 2019.

Among them, the annual cumulative sales volume of high-end brand Lexus reached 175,000 units, up about 37% year-on-year.

In terms of profit structure, its joint venture company contributed 880 million profits (including 580 million yuan from Jizhi Financial Company and 260 million from Link), accounting for about 15.6% of the net profit; Royalty income is 570 million yuan, accounting for about 10.2% of net profit.

In 2020, Geely Automobile accelerated the payment to its suppliers to alleviate the impact of production interruption caused by the epidemic, which also led to a significant decrease in the net cash inflow from its operating activities.By the end of 2020, the net cash flow from operating activities of Geely Automobile decreased by 87% year-on-year to 1.6 billion yuan.

In order to revive its financial resources, in May 2020, Geely raised HK$ 6.48 billion by placing 600 million new shares to institutional investors.

With the help of the proceeds from the placement, the total cash level of Geely Automobile (bank balance and cash+pledged bank deposits) will remain at about 19 billion yuan at the end of 2020.

In the second half of the year, the negative impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on Geely Automobile decreased.

In contrast to the bleak sales in the first half of 2020, in the second half of 2020, Geely Automobile’s sales increased by 49%, revenue increased by 50% and net profit increased by 40%.

In overseas markets, despite the restrictions of the COVID-19 epidemic, Geely Automobile’s "sea layout" is still accelerating.

In 2020, Geely Automobile sold nearly 273,000 overseas vehicles, up 25% year-on-year, covering nearly 30 countries. Among them, Link’s European offline experience store opened; In the Southeast Asian market, the annual sales volume of Proton Automobile under Geely reached 109,000 vehicles, and the export increased by 49.8%.

In terms of research and development, Geely Automobile has invested 4.8 billion yuan in 2020.In 2021, Geely’s R&D investment will continue to increase to cope with the wave of smart electric vehicles.

In 2020, in order to optimize the product structure, under the poor environment, Geely Automobile successively launched new models such as ICON, Haoyue, Xingrui, LECK 05 and LECK 06.

However, since mid-2019, the higher discounts and concessions offered by Geely to its dealers offset the positive impact brought by the continuous improvement of its product portfolio, making the average ex-factory sales price of Geely in 2020 similar to that of the same period last year.

If the high-end brand Lexus sold by its 50% equity joint venture company is taken into account, the average ex-factory sales price of Geely Automobile increased slightly year-on-year.

This also shows that the current profit pressure of new car sales in the automobile industry is great, and enterprises should pay more attention to after-sales service and other value-added businesses.

In order to continue to increase the market share, in 2021, Geely Automobile set the sales target at 1.53 million vehicles, up 16% year-on-year.

In order to step into the era of "4.0 comprehensive architecture system" faster, Geely Automobile announced that it had entered into a framework agreement with Geely Holding and established a joint venture company.

On March 23rd, Krypton Company was established, and it is planned that Geely Automobile and Geely Holding will jointly contribute 2 billion yuan. Among them, Geely Automobile holds 51% and Geely Holding Group holds 49%.

Li Shufu became the chairman of the company, and An Conghui became the CEO of the company.

Extreme Krypton Company will increase its R&D investment in the field of new four modernizations, and build the full-stack self-research capability of intelligent software and hardware. It will integrate various assets and technologies, including but not limited to electric vehicle technology, the right to use the vast intelligent evolutionary experience architecture (SEA), brand authorization, three power technologies, supply chain system construction and user ecological construction.

The joint venture company will become a subsidiary of Geely Automobile, and its financial performance will be consolidated with Geely Automobile.

As early as last September, the Shanghai Stock Exchange disclosed that Geely Automobile had an IPO meeting in science and technology innovation board. However, Geely has made no substantial progress in the process of officially landing in science and technology innovation board.

China’s stock market regulator questioned whether the company was high-tech enough, Lianhe Zaobao quoted people familiar with the matter as saying.

In this regard, Yang Xueliang, vice president of Geely Holding, said that there is no further information to provide. According to the information disclosure standard of the listing process, everything is subject to the approval of the regulatory authorities.

Risk warning and exemption clause
The market is risky and investment needs to be cautious. This paper does not constitute personal investment advice, nor does it take into account the special investment objectives, financial situation or needs of individual users. Users should consider whether any opinions, viewpoints or conclusions in this article are in line with their specific situation. Invest accordingly at your own risk.

Equation Leopard Car: Leopard 5 is expected to be launched in November, and the price information circulating on the Internet is not true.

On October 12th, BYD’s Equation Leopard Automobile issued a message through the official Weibo yesterday evening, replying to some users’ recent "most concerned" questions about the first model Leopard 5.

According to the official, Leopard 5 benefits from the space utilization rate of DMO super hybrid off-road platform, and the rear seat space and head space "far exceed the same level products", which supports the rear seat to be put down.We have developed suitable mattresses and airbags, the maximum length of which can exceed 1.9 meters and the width is close to 1.4 meters, which can lie down for two people..

Regarding the delivery of new cars, the official response said that the first batch of stores in China opened for trial operation at the end of October.Leopard 5 real cars will also arrive in the store one after another, and the first batch of exhibition cars will be the Feiyun version.. The new car is expected to be officially launched in November, and the orders are arranged in order. However, in terms of selling price, Equation Leopard only responded that "the official selling price has not been released".None of the information circulated on the Internet is true, and the official selling price will be announced at the time of listing..

In terms of configuration, Leopard 5 will launch three versions: Exploratory Edition, Pilot Edition and Yunqi Ultimate Edition. Different versions will "have a certain degree of functions and experience focusing on configuration to better meet the diverse needs of different consumers".

IT House previously reported that the first production car of Equation Leopard 5 was officially launched on September 28th. According to the officially released configuration information, the new car will launch three models: the exploration version, the pilot version and the Yunqi flagship version, with the length, width and height of 4890 (including the spare tire) *1970*1920mm and the wheelbase of 2800 mm.

In terms of power, Leopard 5 is equipped with BYD’s new hybrid platform DMO and Yunqi -p intelligent body control system. It uses 1.5T+dual motor power, as well as a classic off-road combination of three locks, and it is also a vertical engine.

Relying on the DMO platform, the comprehensive maximum output of this model can reach 505 kW, the peak torque is 760N?m, the zero acceleration time is 4.8s, and the CLTC battery life is 125 km.

Related reading:

The first production car of BYD Equation Leopard "Leopard 5" is officially off the assembly line: three models will be launched and expected to be delivered within this year.

Suzhou area krypton 007 is on sale! The lowest price is 229,900, and the promotion is limited.

In the promotion channel in Suzhou, car home, preferential activities are being carried out, and consumers in Suzhou can enjoy a maximum discount of 10,000 yuan. The minimum starting price of this model is 229,900 yuan. If you want to know more preferential information, you can click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to get a higher discount.

The design of Krypton 007 is very futuristic, the front face design is simple and atmospheric, and the air intake grille is closed, which shows its identity as a new energy vehicle. The body lines are smooth and the overall style is fashionable and dynamic, which shows the sense of science and technology of Krypton 007. The front of the car adopts a unique split headlight design, which is unique in shape and highly recognizable. The side lines of the car body are smooth, and the hub adopts a multi-spoke design, which adds a sense of movement. At the rear of the car, Krypton 007 adopts a unique through taillight design, which is not only beautiful and elegant, but also improves the recognition. Generally speaking, the design of Krypton 007 is excellent, which fully shows its sense of science and technology and sports, which is impressive.

Extreme Krypton 007 is a medium and large SUV with a size of 4865*1900*1450, with a wheelbase of 2928mm, a front track of 1635mm and a rear track of 1650 mm. The lines on the side of the car are smooth and simple, showing the sense of fashion and movement of Krypton 007. Tyre size is 245/45 R19, and the front and rear wheels all adopt the same specifications, which provides more stable driving performance for the vehicle. The rim adopts black multi-spoke design, which highlights the sports style of Krypton 007. Generally speaking, Krypton 007 is a medium and large SUV with both fashion and sports, with excellent driving performance and stable driving experience.

The interior design of Krypton 007 is very fashionable and full of science and technology. The 15.05-inch central control screen is large and clear, equipped with voice recognition control system, which can control multimedia, navigation, telephone and air conditioning functions, making drivers more convenient. The steering wheel made of leather feels comfortable, and the electric up and down+front and rear adjustment function allows the driver to adjust according to his own needs. There are two Type-C and USB interfaces in the front and rear rows, which is convenient for charging. The front seats are also equipped with heating, ventilation and massage functions, and both the driver’s seat and the co-pilot seat have electric seat memory functions. The backrest of the second row of seats can be adjusted, and the rear seats support proportional reclining, which is very practical. In short, the interior configuration of Krypton 007 is rich, which allows people to enjoy a comfortable ride experience while driving.

Extreme Krypton 007 is equipped with a powerful engine, with a maximum power of 310 kW and a maximum torque of 440 N m. This makes the vehicle perform well when accelerating, and can quickly reach high speed and maintain stability. In addition, the engine also has the characteristics of high efficiency and energy saving, which provides excellent handling performance and driving experience for drivers. Whether on urban roads or highways, Krypton 007 can easily cope with all kinds of road conditions, showing excellent performance.

In the word-of-mouth evaluation of the owner of car home, we can see that he is full of praise for the interior design of Krypton 007. He especially likes the use of oval steering wheel and big screen, and thinks they are very beautiful and silky. In addition, the fur-turning decoration near the roof and door handle also makes him feel very advanced. He also believes that the black sports seat is not only outstanding in appearance, but also first-class in comfort. The owner believes that the exquisiteness of Krypton 007 is much higher than that of BBA model, and the price is much cheaper. It can be seen that Krypton 007 has brought a very good experience to the owner in the interior design.

Let the same level call can’t catch up! The three black technologies of M9 show a far-reaching lead.

The consumption concept of new energy vehicles is quietly changing. According to the newly released report "Insight into the Consumption of New Energy Vehicles in China in 2023", people expect networking to bring more freshness and sense of technology. It can be said that the level of intelligence is gradually becoming the core competitiveness.

Starting from this trend, it is obvious that M9 is leading the new trend of science and technology in the field of new energy vehicles. With the layers of mystery unveiled, many scientific and technological attributes and characteristics of M9 in the world are continuously known by the industry and consumers.

In recent days, two patent drawings of black technology of M9 were released, including sound painting AI complex (guess name) and retractable triple screen (guess name). At the same time, Huawei’s megapixel smart headlights, a black technology, also have more new information exposure. With the deep empowerment of Huawei, the three black technologies are the pioneers in the world, which not only realizes the revolutionary advancement of the owner’s experience, but also makes it difficult for other car companies to catch up with it with a far-reaching posture.

Huawei is deeply empowered! The three major black technologies show their advantages.

With the approaching of the official listing date, the news about M9 continues to increase and quickly becomes a hot topic. For example, some time ago, the measured video of Huawei smart headlights carried by the M9 was screened on major platforms. In recent days, the three major black technologies in the world have once again become hot spots.

Huawei’s mega-pixel smart headlights, which have been familiar to people, once again show their multiple characteristics. The unique advantage of Huawei’s mega-pixel smart headlights is the high-pixel module blessing+precise control algorithm, which not only takes into account lighting safety, but also brings multiple interests. To put it simply, Huawei’s mega-pixel smart headlights can easily bring practical value to each scene, regardless of safety assistance functions, pedestrian interaction and entertainment atmosphere scenes.

The sound painting AI complex is also a "must" in the black technology matrix. From the patent drawing, the sound painting AI complex integrates light and shadow aesthetics, acoustic technology and AI wisdom, and is expected to realize the symbiosis of "sound, painting and wisdom". For example, in terms of "sound", passengers in all locations can experience the shocking auditory enjoyment brought by HUAWEI SOUND 2.0.

In the aspect of "painting", under the catalysis of crystal and electric light source, it reflects beautifully, creating a bright and beautiful visual feast; In terms of "wisdom", Xiaoyi’s intelligent assistant jumped out of the screen for the first time and became a digital virtual "housekeeper" who knows you and knows you. The trinity of "sound, painting and wisdom" makes the sound-painting AI complex become the core of the cockpit.

The retractable triple screen is the focus of this exposure. It is reported that this set of new patents can make the central control panel show longitudinal telescopic effect. You know, triple screen is the mainstream at the moment. It is foreseeable that the display effect of the retractable triple screen will far exceed that of the same level. More importantly, the retractable triple screen should be able to realize multiple functions such as multi-screen interaction and multi-screen simultaneous display, so that the more intelligent, convenient and smooth interactive experience of the extremely intelligent cockpit can really land.

It is not difficult to find that the three major black technologies of this exposure all show their respective advantages and characteristics. The cornerstone and source of these advantages comes from Huawei’s deep empowerment. Huawei’s technology accumulation and profound accumulation have truly turned into a valuable black technology and applied it to the M9.

For example, Huawei’s megapixel smart headlights have benefited from Huawei’s intensive cultivation and continuous progress in the field of optical communication for more than 30 years. Today, Huawei has deployed a large number of optical patents and standards in this field. Based on the technical accumulation in space optics, laser light source, optical algorithm, optical perception and other aspects, Huawei has integrated optical technology with the automobile industry with innovative thinking, and then produced Huawei’s mega-pixel smart headlights.

Huawei’s bottomless accumulation is far more than that. To sum it up briefly, Huawei not only has the autonomous controllable capabilities of HarmonyOS, AOS and VOS, but also has the "smart ceiling" capabilities in four fields: intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving, intelligent vehicle control and intelligent network connection! It can be seen that Huawei is already in the leading position in the technical field of new energy vehicles.

Far ahead! Experience revolutionary advancement,identical sizeDifficult to catch up with

"China New Energy Vehicle Consumption Insight 2023" also mentioned that new energy vehicle manufacturers should aim at the demand side and improve the intelligent level of vehicles to cater to consumers’ consumption preferences. In addition, the competition pattern of the new energy vehicle market is also undergoing major changes, and the pattern differentiation is increasingly disparity.

This also means that new energy automobile manufacturers should find the key to breaking the game-both resonating with consumers’ preferences on the same frequency and being left behind by competitors. Obviously, based on the three major black technologies, the M9 in the world has a far-ahead advantage in both the owner experience and the comparison at the same level.

In terms of car owner experience, Wenjie M9 realizes the revolutionary advancement of experience with three black technologies. Taking the AI complex of sound and painting as an example, it not only realizes "both listening and painting", but also has "great wisdom". For the car owner, the sound painting AI complex is like a "peerless fairy" who is always around to open a gorgeous world, making the daily use experience always comfortable, comfortable and pleasing to the eye. At the same time, compared with other models in the same class, it is possible to truly realize a more uniform distribution of sound, ensuring the consistency of the whole car’s hearing. And with the help of HUAWEI SOUND 2.0, the M9 will also support the spatial audio function. Different from the panoramic sound and immersion sound solutions provided by other models in the same class, Huawei Space Audio provides complete services based on the ecological advantages of content sources, car operating systems and audio equipment, and the depth adjustment of software and hardware can give full play to the immersion listening effect of cockpit advantages.

Huawei’s mega-pixel smart headlights can bring advanced novel experience-in static state, it can project holiday wishes, music, weather, etc., while in dynamic state, it can realize many functions such as curve light carpet lighting, distance warning, narrow road width indication, lane change warning, lane safety guidance, and courtesy to pedestrians. It can be said that Huawei’s megapixel smart headlights are not only safe enough, but also interesting enough, and the humanized feeling is full. Its strength is beyond doubt, and it is even more difficult for other models to catch up. This is because the high-pixel module blessing+precise control algorithm of Huawei’s megapixel smart headlights is one generation ahead of the industry. At the same time, Huawei’s megapixel smart headlights adopt the industry-leading self-developed dual-lamp fusion algorithm, which breaks through the industry’s imagination of the use function of smart headlights.

The expected experience of the retractable triple screen is the welcoming effect of the triple screen with a great sense of ceremony and the multi-screen and multi-angle view of the triple screen cinema. With the excellent image quality, the ultimate silky and intelligent interconnection, it is expected that the experience will really take a new stage. In addition to properly arranging the LCD instrument panel, the central control large screen and the passenger entertainment screen, it is also possible to lead the same level in screen size. It is conceivable that the retractable triple screen can realize the cooperation between the screens and solve the problem of separation between the triple screen schemes of other models.

Far ahead! With the three major black technologies as the vanguard, although the M9 in the world has not been listed, it has already given people a series of surprises, and this is far from over. You know, Huawei definitely has more black technologies to carry on this important model, the M9. For example, HUAWEI AR-HUD, which can present a large display area, and a smart chassis that makes driving feel more comfortable. This also makes consumers look forward to asking how wonderful and grand science and technology drama M9 will bring after it is officially listed!

The supercomputer "Shenwei Taihu Light" is the fastest in the world.

  On June 19th, at the Global Supercomputing Conference in Frankfurt, Germany, China’s "Shenwei Taihu Light" topped the list of the top 500 supercomputers in the world. Since it came out in June 2016, this is the third time that it has been awarded the "fastest supercomputer in the world", thus achieving "three consecutive championships".

  "Shenwei Light of Taihu Lake" was developed by National Parallel Computer Engineering Technology Research Center, using China’s own chip. In the field of supercomputers known as "the heavyweight of the country", "Shenwei" indicates that China’s supercomputing technology has made many key breakthroughs, providing technical means for solving a series of major challenges such as economic and social governance, and has strategic significance for enhancing comprehensive national strength.

  How fast is Shenwei? It has three "world first" indicators: the peak performance of the system is 1.25 billion times per second, the continuous performance is 930 million times per second, and the performance-power ratio is 6.05 billion times per watt. It is understood that its one-minute computing power is equivalent to 7.2 billion people around the world using calculators for 32 years without interruption.

  Why is this so? It uses 40 computing cabinets and 8 network cabinets for "system operations". Pushing open a cabinet slightly larger than a household double-door refrigerator, four groups of super nodes consisting of 32 computing plug-ins contain 1024 high-performance processors; Each processor is equivalent to the computing power of more than 20 commonly used laptops. The whole "Shenwei Taihu Light" has a total of 40,960 processors, and the speed can be imagined.

  More importantly, the central processing unit "Shenwei 26010" of "Shenwei" was designed and produced by China independently, and the whole system realized full localization of the core components. In the past, foreign countries crowded out surveillance and restricted the sale of core parts for China supercomputer research. Nowadays, there are 260 computing cores, billions of transistors and more than 3 trillion calculations per second … … The 25-square-centimeter "Shenwei 26010" has not only become the fastest supercomputer "heart" in the world, but also broke the 30-year foreign core technology blockade and opened the "China Core" era with completely independent and controllable software and hardware.

  The speed is ahead of the world, and the application ability is also accelerating. The speed advantage of supercomputing is transforming into the application advantage. Last November, based on "Shenwei Taihu Lake Light", the application project of "Ten Million Approved Expansion of Global Atmospheric Dynamics Full Implicit Simulation" won the highest award in the field of international high-performance computing applications — — The "Gordon Bell Award" fills the gap of China’s supercomputing application in this award.

  At a deeper level, "‘ Shenwei Light of Taihu Lake ’ It plays a very important role in China’s scientific and technological innovation and economic development. " Fu Haohuan, deputy director of the National Supercomputing Wuxi Center, said. Relying on the "Shenwei Taihu Light", China completed the numerical simulation of the global 10 km high-resolution earth system with a scale of one million nuclear; Two weeks to complete the routine 10-month calculation of Shanghai drug screening and disease mechanism research … … It is understood that in the past year, "Shenwei" has been involved in 19 application fields such as climate and meteorology, advanced manufacturing, aerospace, high-energy physics, life sciences, etc., supporting hundreds of solving tasks in major national scientific and technological applications, advanced manufacturing and other fields, and completing more than 2 million homework tasks in total.

  Zhang Yue Song Xiaoliang Zhao Zhiran

Using mobile APP to spread obscene articles for profit was solved. The suspect taught himself to develop mobile phone applications.

  CCTV News:Not long ago, the Netan detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau of Zhejiang Province and the Cultural Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment of Zhoushan Cultural Bureau cracked a case of spreading obscene articles for profit by using mobile APP, which was listed as a case supervised by the National Leading Group Office for Combating Pornography, and arrested Li, the producer of the mobile APP of Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting, Yu, Shi and Ren, and found more than 7 million obscene video files in the mobile APP of Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting.

  In July this year, Liu Haibo, a grass-roots grid member of Zhoushan New Town Management Committee, found in his daily visit that many people were watching obscene videos using a mobile APP called "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting", which aroused his vigilance.

  After mastering and fixing the relevant evidence, the Cultural Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment of Zhoushan Municipal Bureau of Culture immediately launched the joint disposal mechanism for eliminating pornography, provided relevant clues to the Netan Detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau, and cooperated with the Netan Detachment to investigate related cases.

  Access to overseas obscene websites is hidden.

  After receiving the relevant clues, the Netan detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau immediately filed an investigation. During the investigation, it was found that the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" APP was extremely confusing and concealed in the process of spreading obscene pornographic videos.

  The police investigation found that the main page of the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" App is no different from the normal film and television App. Users can watch a large number of legal film and television works as long as they install it, but when they click on the sub-pages such as classification and search on the page, obscene pornographic video pages will pop up on the mobile phone. By purchasing the registration code and registering as a member, you can browse and watch these obscene video contents.

  Gu Zhoutao, Deputy Team Leader of Netan Detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau: "The criminal suspect made this mobile APP, and its communication route is mainly through his QQ group, WeChat circle of friends, or website. To watch obscene videos, you must first get an invitation code on your mobile phone and send a part of the invitation code to the card issuing website. "

  After careful investigation, the police found that most of the registered users of this mobile APP purchased the "registration code" from a place in Huanggang, Hubei Province, and there are more than 1,500 registered members from all over the country, and the actual owner and maintainer of this mobile App is Li, a native of Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province. Li made the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" App, rented the Internet data cloud to set up a server, and finally accessed more than a dozen overseas obscene websites and more than 7 million obscene video resources.

  Through further investigation, the police also found that 16 other people, such as Shimou from Yuyao, Ningbo and Renmou from Deqing, Huzhou, also bought apps from Li or purchased obscene video resources to access their own apps, and then spread them for profit. After mastering sufficient evidence, Zhoushan Public Security Bureau police rushed to Xuzhou, Jiangsu, Huanggang, Hubei, Yuyao, Zhejiang, Huzhou and other places, and successfully arrested suspects such as Li, Shi and Ren with the cooperation of local police.

  Self-taught mobile phone application development is involved in pornography and is in jail.

  Different from the previously uncovered cases of spreading obscene articles on the Internet, the case of "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" spreading obscene articles for profit by using mobile App has the characteristics of fast spread, wide spread and large audience. The four people involved in "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" arrested by the public security organs are all very young, and three of them are post-90 s. What is even more surprising is that Li, the developer of the mobile APP "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting", has only a first-year junior high school education.

  Gu Zhoutao, deputy detachment leader of the Netan detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau, said that it is difficult to block obscene videos spread by the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" mobile APP.

  Gu Zhoutao, Deputy Team Leader of Netan Detachment of Zhoushan Public Security Bureau: "This software is very concealed. The cases encountered in the past spread through the cloud disk and are easily blocked by the public security organs. Connected through the mobile APP, it is very concealed and difficult to block, so these obscene video data quickly spread to the whole country. "

  The registration code used by registered members of this APP is also very cheap online. The registration code is divided into day card, month card, half-year card, year card, permanent card, etc. The online price of permanent card is 98 yuan, and the cheapest day card only needs 2 yuan. From March this year, the "Fast Fish Cloud Broadcasting" went online for only six months until the incident, tens of thousands of people across the country have registered as members, and the relevant personnel have illegally made more than 100,000 yuan.

  Because of his poor family, Li began to work after dropping out of school in the first grade of junior high school, and later taught himself the mobile APP method online. In the face of police interrogation, Li realized that his mistakes were irreparable. At present, four suspects have been transferred for prosecution.