Sweden’s City of Industrial Innovation: Gothenburg, the World’s Major City for Studying Abroad

  Original title: What a wonderful world Gothenburg | Take you into the city of industrial innovation in Sweden.

  Starting from the "city", the world’s major cities for studying abroad come into view. College information, food, clothing, housing and transportation, and all kinds of knowledge of study abroad destinations include the heart. Europe, Asia, America and Australia-The lens of Study Abroad magazine travels around the world, "The world is really wonderful", searching and exploring, and enjoying the world of studying abroad with you. The wonderful column of the world, one city per issue, will lead you into Gothenburg, the city of industrial innovation in Sweden.

  The first impression of Gothenburg

  Gothenburg, the second largest city in Sweden, as a pearl on the west coast of Sweden, is also a small and beautiful industrial science and technology city in Sweden, shining with the light of innovation everywhere.

  Gothenburg is a famous Nordic city with a long history. In 1619, King Gustav Adolphus of Sweden ordered the construction of Gothenburg as an important military fortress against Denmark. The unique geographical advantages make Gothenburg the largest port in Sweden. In 1732, the first merchant ship of the Swedish East India Company went to China for business, and set sail from Gothenburg. In the following 75 years, Sweden and China completed 129 maritime trade.

  The long history has not stopped Gothenburg’s industrial development and technological innovation. As the leading industrial city in Sweden, Gothenburg is the base camp of many well-known international enterprises. The headquarters of Volvo, Ericsson, Hasselblad camera and SKF bearing are all in Gothenburg. At present, Gothenburg’s new city plan is under way. Through the expansion and development of the outer suburbs of the city, Gothenburg will become a fertile ground for more innovative technologies and enterprise development.

  Gothenburg is a multifaceted city, which is quiet and gentle and exudes the charm of northern European cities; At the same time, it is full of vitality and strives for innovation.

  Learning in Gothenburg Education

  Gothenburg has two famous universities-chalmers university of technology and the University of Gothenburg. Both famous universities offer undergraduate and master programs in English. Chalmers university of technology is a well-known institute of technology in Europe and even the world, while Goethe-Borg University is a prestigious comprehensive research university in Sweden.

  chalmers university of technology

  Chalmers university of technology, founded in 1829, is a polytechnic university focusing on engineering technology, natural science and architecture. Its popularity is second only to the Royal Swedish Institute of Technology. About 40% of engineers and architects in Sweden graduated from Chalmers University, which is also the university with the highest employment rate in Sweden. Chalmers University has 17 colleges with 10,000 registered students and more than 3,000 faculty members.

  Chalmers university of technology has outstanding scientific research strength, and has made outstanding achievements in eight fields, namely, built environment, energy and power system, information and communication technology, life science engineering, new material science and nanotechnology, industrial production and automation, vehicles and transportation. Chalmers university of technology has two campuses, one is Johanneberg’s main campus in the city center, and the other is Lindholmen’s campus on Hinsingen Island. Among them, Lindholmen campus is located in Gothenburg IT Park, adjacent to many well-known companies such as Volvo and Ericsson.

  With the in-depth cooperation between China and China in automobile manufacturing R&D and communication engineering, the employment prospects of science and engineering students studying in Gothenburg are getting better and better, and more China students choose to study in chalmers university of technology.

  University of Gothenburg

  As a well-known comprehensive university in Sweden, Gothenburg University is second only to Uppsala University and Lund University in Sweden. The predecessor of the University of Gothenburg is the University College of Gothenburg, which was founded in 1891. After a hundred years’ development, the University of Gothenburg has developed from an initial college into a comprehensive university that includes natural science, humanities, social science, business law, education, medical science, information technology, design and art. At present, the University of Gothenburg has 8 colleges and 57 disciplines, with a wide range of specialties.

  The medical school of Gothenburg University is very famous, and its dental specialty has always been in the leading position. The School of Business Economics and Law of the University of Gothenburg is one of the well-known business schools in Europe. The school has established cooperative relations with many advanced universities in the world, and both undergraduate and master students can get rich exchange opportunities. At present, international students in China can apply for Volvo Scholarship set up by Gothenburg University and Volvo Group, and students who have won this scholarship also have the opportunity to enter Volvo for internship.

  The colleges of Gothenburg University are scattered in different areas of the city, and it is a city university without walls. At present, the school has 47,000 registered students and 6,000 faculty members, of which 59% are women, which reflects the Swedish values of gender equality.

  Gothenburg on the tip of her tongue gourmet pian

  When it comes to Swedish food, IKEA meatballs with mashed potatoes have become Sweden’s "national dish" in everyone’s eyes. In fact, there are many interesting food cultures and rich foods in this Nordic country.

  No FIKA, no Sweden

  Fika is a unique word in Sweden, which is generally used to describe the coffee break. As the third largest coffee consumer in the world, Swedes have two fixed Fika hours every day-10 am and 4 pm. During these two periods, whether office workers or students, everyone will put down their work and make themselves a cup of coffee and eat a snack.

  There are chocolates, cakes, coconut towers, almond cakes, etc. in the dessert period of Fika, but cinnamon rolls are definitely the stars of Fika dessert industry. This sweet roll with butter, sugar and cinnamon powder is a favorite of Swedes. According to statistics, the average Swede eats 312 cinnamon rolls a year. The Swedes also designate October 4th every year as "cinnamon roll day", which shows the position of this bun in the hearts of Swedes. If you have a chance to visit Gothenburg, you must go to Café Husaren in Haga Old Town and try a cinnamon roll that is "bigger than your face". At the same time, don’t forget to order a cup of moderately roasted coffee, which is popular among Swedish people, and enjoy Fika slow time with family and friends.

  It turns out that Swedes also love crayfish.

  The second Thursday of August every year is the "Crayfish Festival" in Sweden. Eating crayfish is a ritual activity in Sweden. First of all, the place to eat crayfish must be outdoors and close to nature; Secondly, everyone should wear peaked party hats to create a happy atmosphere for eating shrimp. Of course, eating crayfish is indispensable for spirits. For Swedes, a bite of shrimp and a bite of wine is what a crayfish party should look like. If you think this is the whole ceremony for Swedes to eat crayfish, you are wrong, because stubborn Swedes also have a set of cooking secrets for crayfish, and Strindberg, a great Swedish writer, also described the cooking and eating methods of crayfish in his works.

  Gothenburg, as a coastal city, is rich in sea prawns. Unlike freshwater crayfish, this kind of seawater crayfish has a long fishing period. Even if you visit Gothenburg in months other than August, you can still taste sea crayfish. Next time you come to Gothenburg, you can visit the Fish Church, which was founded in 1874, where you can buy all kinds of seafood and taste delicious snacks. If you love sunshine as much as Swedes, you must drink beer and eat seafood outdoors when the weather is fine.

  Canned herring challenge

  At the end of August every year, a group of "brave Swedes" gather by the stream to launch the canned herring challenge. Although smelly herring is a traditional food in Sweden, not all Swedes can accept this stinking food.

  The canned herring in Sweden uses the small herring in the Baltic Sea. The small herring caught will be pickled and fermented in an ancient way. In the later stage of fermentation, with the accumulation of time, both ends of the can will begin to swell. In order to avoid excessive pressure and "charming" smell when opening, the can of herring must be opened underwater, which is why the challenge must be held by the stream.

  Although smelly herring has a strong smell, its unique and exciting taste can’t be given up for those who love it. In Sweden, people will put the eviscerated herring on thin bread with butter and eat it with cooked potatoes and chopped onions.

  Visit Gothenburg and Scenic Spots

  As a famous Nordic city with a long history, the buildings and streets in downtown Gothenburg have a strong historical atmosphere. Compared with the Grand Palace in Stockholm, the historical buildings in Gothenburg have a unique style, which is very exquisite and simple. On the other hand, Gothenburg is an industrial city in Sweden, and the science and technology park built across the sea reflects the city’s innovative temperament to the fullest.

  Stroll along Haga Old Street.

  Haga Old Street is the most charming ancient block in Gothenburg. The cobblestone streets are lined with quaint wooden houses. Here, you can find design shops, antique shops, cafes and furniture stores. Many storefronts still retain the style of houses in the 19th century. No wonder some people say that walking in Haga block is like coming to a Nordic fairy tale town. If you want to buy some gifts with Swedish characteristics, you can look at Haga Tr?toffelfabrik Wooden Shoe Store on Haga Old Street. You can buy handmade wooden shoes and leather products with Nordic characteristics.

  If you visit Gothenburg in spring, you can walk along Haga Old Street to Haga Cathedral, which is the most beautiful spring lawn in the whole city. If the sun is just right, it is better to sit on the floor like the Swedes and enjoy the bright and warm sun.

  The largest amusement park in northern Europe

  As the largest amusement park in northern Europe, Liseberg is the most popular tourist attraction in Sweden, and about 3 million people come here every year. At present, Risebon has 35 different amusement facilities, and there is also the largest three-dimensional cinema in Northern Europe.

  Amusement parks plan theme activities for some festivals every year. For example, Easter in spring and Christmas in winter. Among them, the Christmas market in winter is the most popular. Hand-made jam, traditional cheese, onion herring, deer meat and other holiday products that are necessary for Christmas can be found. Many stores also offer tasting, so everyone can have a good time while playing. If you are a music lover, Risebon Amusement Park is also worth a visit. Many European and American music stars will choose to hold concerts here, and pop music, heavy metal or opera can be heard here.

  Volvo museum

  If you are a car enthusiast, don’t miss the Volvo Car Museum. It shows the development process of Volvo car brand in all directions. The museum’s physical exhibitions include Volvo’s first V40 car in 1972 to the newly designed model car. Here, you can also see buses, trucks and aircraft engines designed by Volvo. If you are a car history enthusiast, you can also see the entrepreneurial scenes of Volvo founders Brisson and Larsson.

  As the birthplace of Volvo cars, you can not only visit the Volvo Museum in Gothenburg, but also experience Volvo buses at any time and feel the comfortable ride experience brought by new energy buses.

  Lindholmen science and technology park

  Lindholmen Science Park in Hinsingen is the most popular innovation base in Gothenburg, and well-known enterprises such as Volvo Group, Ericsson and SKF all have office buildings in the park. Different from the historical sense of the old city across the river, Lindholmen shows the enthusiasm and vitality of Gothenburg. The most eye-catching thing in the park is the library of Chalmers University. This colorful building is a representative work of new Nordic design. The exterior wall of the building can be changed in color, and the electricity of the whole building is supplied by sustainable energy.

  If you are interested in the urban development of Gothenburg, you must visit the urban exhibition hall in the park. The sand table in the exhibition hall shows the urban development plan for the next five years, and the on-site staff will also introduce the planning concept to you in English, which is very interesting. Lindholmen Science and Technology Park has convenient transportation, the ferry to the city center runs every five minutes, and there are two expressways connecting other areas of the city.

  Feel Gothenburg Climate

  Gothenburg, located on the southern coast of Sweden, has a typical maritime climate. Compared with Stockholm, the capital near the north, its climate is more livable, and the winter temperature is obviously higher than that of most cities in Sweden. Gothenburg, as a coastal city, is often affected by the sea breeze, and the rainy season is long. It is recommended that you take rain gear and take precautions against wind when traveling.

  Every year from June to September is the best tourist season in Gothenburg. At this time, Gothenburg has enough light and the daytime can reach more than 12 hours. It is a veritable "city where the sun never sets". The temperature in Gothenburg can climb to 25 degrees in summer, which is the best time to travel.

  Walking through Gothenburg, Traffic

  Trams, buses and ferry boats are the main means of transportation in Gothenburg. Among them, trams are the most distinctive, and many lines still have historical models that need to ring the bell to stop. Long lines and slow running are the characteristics of Gothenburg trams. Almost all the routes pass through the main roads and scenic spots in the city center. If you want to "roam" the city, trams must be the first choice. Because there are many water systems in the whole city and many islands are distributed around it, ferry boats are also the characteristic traffic in Gothenburg. When the weather is fine, the ferry is the first choice for many citizens, and everyone can fully enjoy the sea breeze and sunshine.

  Gothenburg, located on the southern coast of Sweden, has a typical maritime climate. Compared with Stockholm, the capital near the north, its climate is more livable, and the winter temperature is obviously higher than that of most cities in Sweden. Gothenburg, as a coastal city, is often affected by the sea breeze, and the rainy season is long. It is recommended that you take rain gear and take precautions against wind when traveling.

  Every year from June to September is the best tourist season in Gothenburg. At this time, Gothenburg has enough light and the daytime can reach more than 12 hours. It is a veritable "city where the sun never sets". The temperature in Gothenburg can climb to 25 degrees in summer, which is the best time to travel.

  Like many European cities, Gothenburg is built near a mountain. There are many ramps in the city, and the roads are mainly gravel roads. For tourists and international students, walking and cycling are not convenient, so it is particularly important to get a bus card. There are many kinds of bus cards in Gothenburg, including three-day tickets, five-day tickets, monthly tickets and quarterly tickets. Students can also enjoy discounts with their student ID cards. For details, you can consult at large transportation hubs and convenience stores.

  Gothenburg, a vibrant Nordic city. Here you can experience the slow-paced life in Sweden, and you can also feel the concept of sustainable development of the city. It seems that influenced by the warm ocean monsoon, people here are more open and friendly. Gothenburg, whether it is its history, its academic atmosphere or its life atmosphere, is worth your personal visit.

  Sina’s statement: This news was reprinted from WeChat WeChat official account’s "Study Abroad Magazine". Sina. com published this article for the purpose of conveying more information, which does not mean agreeing with its views or confirming its description. The content of the article is for reference only.

  Internship Editor: Li Xuan Editor: Zhao Runyan