Xu Jiayin is going to build a super-run, Baiteng no longer has the position of president, and Xpeng Motors has increased its price | Weekly of New Forces for Building Cars.

  Guoneng established a joint venture with Koenigsegg, Weilai planned to issue 650 million US dollars of convertible bonds, Weimar signed a cooperation with Meituan by taxi, Baiteng announced that it would no longer set up the post of president, and the price of Tucki G3 increased by 20,000-34,000 yuan.

  Guoneng establishes joint venture with Koenigsegg.

  On January 29th, US time, Koenigsegg Automotive AB, a Swedish supercar company, sold 20% of its shares to NEVS. NEVS, a Swedish electric vehicle company controlled by Evergrande, acquired Saab in 2012.

  Recently, Evergrande invested US$ 172 million to establish a joint venture with Koenigsegg, in which Guoneng Electric Vehicle Sweden Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Evergrande, holds 65% and Koenigsegg holds 35%.

  Christian Von Koenigsegg, CEO of Koenigsegg, said: "Koenigsegg is using our unique technology to explore new areas and explore and develop new products. This partnership will create excellent conditions for the development of the Koenigsegg supercar market, and at the same time enable us to enter an undeveloped market together with NEVS. "

  On the same day, Koenigsegg announced that Guoneng Electric Vehicle will set up a joint venture with it to produce cars by using the Saab automobile factory previously acquired by Guoneng Automobile. Guoneng Automobile will invest 150 million euros (US$ 172 million) in Koenigsegg.

  Weilai plans to issue $650 million convertible bonds.

  On January 30th, Weilai issued $650 million in convertible bonds.

  Convertible bonds are a cheaper financing method, because coupon rate is low, and bondholders can choose to convert bonds into company stocks at a set price in the future. This stock mechanism provides investors with fixed income and is expected to profit from the rise of the issuer’s share price.

  Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and UBS are the joint bookkeepers of the transaction.

  Wei Lai said that according to market and other conditions, it is planned to issue convertible bonds due in 2024 with a total amount of 650 million US dollars. The company intends to grant first-time bond buyers a 30-day option to purchase up to an additional $100 million in bonds.

  The proceeds from the sale of convertible bonds are planned to pay for cost-limited call transactions and zero-strike call option transactions, while the remaining funds will continue to be used for research and development of products, services and technologies, production facilities and promotion of supply chain, sales and marketing and other working capital needs.

  As one of Weilai’s shareholders, Tencent Holdings Limited and Gaoyao Capital Management Limited are expected to purchase convertible bonds of up to US$ 30 million and US$ 10 million respectively.

  Weilai issued a statement saying that the convertible bonds issued this time are priority bills. It can be converted into American Depositary Receipts (ADSs) of the company, which will expire on February 1, 2024, and it is stipulated that unless certain events happen in the company, the purchaser shall not repurchase, redeem or convert according to its terms before this date, and the company shall not redeem the notes in advance.

  At the same time, it is stated that under certain conditions of the enterprise, the bill holder can ask the company to buy back all or part of the bill in cash, and the bill holder can convert his bill according to his option from the second business day before receiving the redemption due date.

  After the conversion, the company will deliver ADSs to the converted holder and pay cash instead of interest rate. The interest rate, initial conversion rate and other terms of the bond will be determined at the time of pricing.

  Weimar and Meituan signed cooperation by taxi

  On January 30th, Weimar Automobile and Meituan took a taxi to reach a strategic cooperation. This cooperation has built a perfect new retail system, covering many consumption scenarios including car purchase, car use and car rental.

  In this regard, Meituan said that Meituan taxi and Weimar have already started cooperation in Shanghai. Since January 21st, Meituan taxi users in Shanghai have been able to hit the cooperative Weimar car. This cooperation is the first time that Meituan has taken a taxi to join hands with a car host manufacturer, and the two sides will jointly explore a better user travel experience.

  Since 2018, the travel brand of Weimar Automobile, namely Guest Bank, has gradually begun to lay out travel services including public charging, urban shared car rental, travel shared car rental and online car rental. Through this cooperation, Weimar Automobile introduced its first mass-produced pure electric SUV EX5 to Meituan taxi platform, trying to introduce new retail into the online car consumption scene.

  Meituan taxis open up traffic, big data and product operation capabilities, provide users with connections, and pre-position Weimar cars from low-frequency new retail experience links to users’ high-frequency daily travel scenarios.

  Baiteng announced that he would no longer set up the post of president.

  On January 29th, Baiteng Automobile announced the latest resolution of the board of directors on the adjustment of corporate governance structure.

  The company will set up the positions of chairman and CEO, instead of the position of president. The chairman will be Dr. Carsten Breitfeld and the CEO will be Dr. Dr. Daniel Kirchert.

  As the co-founders of the company, Dr. Bi Fukang and Dr. Daniel Kirchert will work closely together to lead the company’s strategy formulation and achieve this year’s core goal, that is, to achieve the high-quality mass production of the first pure electric SUV Batten M-Byte as planned. The appointment takes effect from now on.

  Under the new corporate governance structure, the chairman’s main responsibilities are to coordinate all shareholders to support the company’s development, preside over the formulation of medium and long-term business development plans and product strategies, and preside over board meetings and shareholders’ meetings; The main responsibility of the CEO is to preside over the daily operation of the company and implement the decisions of the board of directors.

  The price of Tucki G3 increased by 20,000-34,000 yuan.

  According to the official news of Xpeng Motors, the price of Xpeng Motors G3 after subsidy has been adjusted from February 1st, and the unified price after subsidy has been adjusted from 135,800 to 165,800 yuan to 155,800 to 199,800 yuan. The price increase range is 20,000-34,000 yuan.

  Tucki G3 is positioned as a pure electric compact SUV, equipped with a permanent magnet synchronous motor with a total power of 145kW, and uses ternary lithium battery as the driving power supply. According to official information, the 0-50km/h acceleration time of Tucki G3 is 3.7 seconds, the cruising range of constant speed is 550km, and the cruising range of NEDC is 365km.

  At the same time, Xpeng Motors has also made great efforts to lay out infrastructure such as charging stations. By the end of 2018, Xpeng Motors has signed contracts to lay out more than 100 charging infrastructure facilities called "super charging stations" in more than 10 first-and second-tier cities such as Beishangguangshenhang.

This article first appeared on WeChat WeChat official account: auto business review. The content of the article belongs to the author’s personal opinion and does not represent Hexun.com’s position. Investors should operate accordingly, at their own risk.

(Editor: HN666)